More Than Just Nitric Oxide

Tikva Heart Targets ALL Of The Leading Causes Of High Blood Pressure.

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I am 65 years old. Before Tikva my BP was 156/85. After Tikva it is 122/77 and I am off my BP meds and other supplements!
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Why Target Just One Part Of The Problem When You Can Target Them ALL?

Beets & arginine focus solely on nitric oxide. While that is important, it is only one part of the bigger picture. If you don't target the other leading causes of your high blood pressure, than you are fighting a losing battle.

What Are The Other Causes?

We have identified 12 different major causes of high blood pressure.
While you may not have all of these issues right now, as you age they become more likely.

So why not target them before they are an issue and avoid costly medical bills down the road?

We often hear from people that they do not have cholesterol (plaque) issues, they just have high blood pressure.


Heart disease effects nearly 1 out of every 2 Adults.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease in the United States and is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

CAD is caused by plaque buildup – LDL (Bad) cholesterol in the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.

When you get a cholesterol test done, they are checking to see how much plaque is floating in the blood at that moment, if it is stuck to the wall of the artery, it may not show on the test, so many people do not find out they have this issue until they have a heart attack.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:

Arginine, Beet Root, Pomegranate, Flax Seed Powder, L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Aci, Inositol, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chromium, Zinc and Boron


As you age, plaque builds up on your artery walls. The plaque can cause arteries, to harden, narrow and block blood flow. The plaque can burst, leading to a blood clot and strokes.


While nitric oxide does not decrease existing plaque, it does help prevent future plaques and increase blood flow.

Since plaques tend to increase as we age and also from the foods we eat, nitric oxide is helpful, but will not decrease or prevent enough on its own.

Other nutrients and antioxidants in Tikva will help to not only reduce new plaque, but target existing plaques as well.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:

Grape Seed Extract, Coenzyme Q-10, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium, Pomegranate, Betaine,  L-Taurine, L-Theanine, L-Citrulline, L- Arginine, Beet Root, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D

Your body produces less Nitric Oxide as you age.

Supplement companies are pushing Nitric Oxide as the only thing you need to improve your cardiovascular system.

The Nobel Prize was won for the fact the Nitric Oxide widens arteries and increases circulation. So it is very important.

You may even see your blood pressure numbers go down temporarily with just solving this one issue.

But if you do not deal with plaque, inflammation, stress, triglycerides, etc. then even if you widen your arteries, they can still get clogged up and harden and you are fighting a losing battle.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Arginine, Beet Root, Pomegranate, L-Carnitine, Magnesium, L-Carnitine, Vitamin C, L-Proline, L-Taurine, L-Theanine, Inositol, Coenzyme Q-10, and Alpha Lipoic Acid
Low HDL is primarily caused by the way we eat or the medications we are taking such as beta blockers, anabolic steroids, progestins, and benzodiazepines.

Most people do not want to stop eating carbs and their doctor put them on the medications, so what do you do?

HDL (Good) cholesterol absorbs the bad cholesterol and carries it back to the liver where it is then removed from the body.

Tikva has multiple nutrients that have been shown in clinical trials to help raise HDL cholesterol which has been shown to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Coenzyme Q-10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B3, Vitamn B5, Chromium, Arginine and Beet Root
The standard American diet is full of processed carbohydrates and sugars that spike your insulin multiple times per day which can cause damage to blood vessels and kidneys causing blood pressure to rise.

Nitric Oxide will not help you here, but in type 2 diabetics, with proper nutrition this issue can be reversed.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Vitamin D, Chromium, L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q-10, Magnesium and no added sugars

(We also recommend you read The Diabetes Code or Obesity Code – by Dr. Fung)
Elevated levels of homocysteine show an increased risk for hardening of arteries which could eventually result in heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots.

A common cause for high homocysteine levels is a deficiency in B vitamins and folate. It is also common in people with kidney disease, low thyroid hormones, and psoriasis.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Vitamins B12, B6 and B2, Zinc, and Trimethylglycine (Betaine)
High levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) have been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

A common cause for high CRP is chronic inflammation.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Magnesium, L-Theanine, and Zinc
If your Triglycerides and LDL (Bad) cholesterol are high, but your HDL (good) cholesterol is low, you have an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Triglycerides are fats that come from the food we eat and are carried in our blood.

Omega 3’s (EPA/DHA) are the easiest way to naturally lower high triglycerides.

Good levels of EPA/DHA may help prevent issues with your heart and circulatory system’s function such as inflammation, peripheral artery disease, major coronary events and coagulation.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Flax Seed Powder, L-Theanine, Niacin and Vitamin D We highly recommend a high quality EPA/DHA source like Vectomega. We would have put fish oil in the Tikva, but it would go rancid and make Tikva Heart taste terrible.
Several studies have linked low testosterone in men with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Proper testosterone levels are important to help remove cholesterol from the arterial wall.

Imbalances in testosterone and estrogen have been shown to promote the buildup of plaque leading to atherosclerosis and higher C-reactive protein (inflammation) levels linked with blood clots, and sudden heart attacks and strokes.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Vitamin D3, Zinc, Pomegranate, Magnesium, Selenium and Boron
You may not think of stress as a blood pressure problem, but it is often the reason people get high readings when they are at the doctor even when their numbers were fine at home. Also known as white coat syndrome.

In addition to the emotional discomfort, we feel when faced with a stressful situation, our bodies react to stress by releasing hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) into the blood.

These hormones prepare the body for the “fight or flight” response by making the heartbeat faster and constricting blood vessels to get more blood to the core of the body instead of the extremities. This increases heart rate and raises blood pressure.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
L-Theanine, Vitamin B Complex (Vitmamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Inositol)
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a form of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.

People with AF have abnormalities in their heart’s electrical impulses that can lead to blood pooling or clotting.

AF is associated with increased risk of strokes, congestive heart failure, and cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease).

Atrial Fibrillation is not a cause of high blood pressure but is often caused by high blood pressure or other cardiovascular events.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Magnesium, Coenzyme Q-10, L-Taurine and L-Carnitine
Blood clots can break off from different part of the body and travel through veins and arteries causing heart attacks and strokes.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE), also known as blood clots, is a disorder that includes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis. A pulmonary emobolism (PE) occurs when a clot breaks loose and travels through the blood stream to the lungs.

What Nutrients in Tikva Heart Target This Problem:
Vitamin E, Pomegranate, Coenzyme Q-10, and Grape Seed Extract

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Working with several naturopathic doctors, we have done the hard work for you.

With 31 vitamins, amino acids, minerals, superfoods & antioxidants backed by clinical trials, Tikva benefits much more than just your cardiovascular system.

Click Each Benefit Below To Read The Research & Clinical Trials

Blood Pressure

According to the American Heart Association, young adults with high blood pressure are at increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and other heart issues. 

When reading blood pressure, there are two measurements. The top number is your “systolic” blood pressure and measures the amount of pressure the blood exerts against the walls of the arteries during heartbeats. The bottom number is your “diastolic” blood pressure which indicates the pressure between beats. A person has high blood pressure when their systolic reading or upper number is 130 or higher and their diastolic reading or bottom number is 80 or higher, according to the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association. [1]


Arginine aids in the creation of nitric oxide which helps to regulate your body’s blood pressure. Nitric oxide does this by relaxing your blood vessels to relax, causing them to widen and allow more blood flow. 

Researchers found that two grams a day of L-arginine ingested by mouth for one week caused close to a 20 point drop in systolic blood pressure, which they attributed to l-arginine. 

Another study showed Compared with a placebo, L-arginine intervention significantly lowered systolic BP by 5.39 mm Hg and diastolic BP by 2.66 mm Hg with a duration starting at 4 weeks

Conclusions: This meta-analysis provides further evidence that oral L-arginine supplementation significantly lowers both systolic and diastolic BP. [2]


Beetroot is known for its richness in inorganic nitrates. Your body turns nitrate into nitric oxide, which causes your blood vessels to relax, thereby lowering blood pressure. 

One study showed in healthy participants that 24 hours after a single dose of 500 mL beetroot juice, systolic and diastolic BP were reduced by 10.4 and 8.0 mm Hg, respectively. [3]

Coenzyme Q-10

Multiple studies involving small sample sizes of participants suggest CoQ10 may lower blood pressure – although, this change may take 4-12 weeks to occur. Upon analysis of 12 clinical studies, it was determined by researchers that CoQ10 has the potential to lower systolic blood pressure (the upper number). [4]

Quite often, heart failure is the result of other heart conditions like high blood pressure. Heart conditions like these can result in increased damage and inflammation in the circulatory system. When these problems stack up to the point the heart cannot function properly, heart failure occurs. 

A study of 420 people with heart failure showed that a two-year CoQ10 treatment improved participant’s immediate symptoms and lowered their risk of death due to heart-related issues. 

Another study of 641 people were treated for a year’s time with either a placebo or CoQ10. At the study’s end, participants who had taken CoQ10 had a decreased amount of serious complications, and had to be hospitalized at a reduced rate compared to their placebo counterparts. [5]


Pomegranate is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that assist with functions pertaining to safeguarding the heart. Current trials have researched the effects consuming pomegranates have on men aged 39 – 68. 

When comparing the blood pressure measurements before and after the trial, there was a notable decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. [6]


L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that has been shown to improve mood and cognition. 

Researchers studied the effects of L-theanine in participants performing both mental tasks and physical activities under stressful conditions. In result, the study showed that in those whose blood pressure increased more than average, L-theanine greatly reduced increases to blood pressure compared to the placebo group. 

These findings demonstrate L-theanine both reduces anxiety and diminishes increases to blood-pressure in high-stress-response adults. [7]

Flax Seed Powder

Rich in several nutrients like lignans and fiber, Flaxseed has a lot of positive effects on blood pressure. In a study conducted to determine the effect consuming flaxseed has on blood pressure, it was found that consuming flaxseed did slightly reduce both systolic and diastolic measurements. [8]


Research demonstrates a connection between increased levels of taurine and a significantly decreased death rate due to heart disease. Additionally, it was shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Furthermore, findings have shown Taurine could help lower high blood pressure. It does this by lowering blood flow resistance in the blood vessel walls. It may also minimize nerve impulses in your brain that increase blood pressure.

A two-week study of participants with diabetes showed taurine supplements greatly decreased arterial stiffness. This could help make things a bit easier on the heart while it’s pumping blood across the body.  

Additionally, Taurine supplementation has been shown to decrease both inflammation and thickening of your arteries. [9]

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract has been shown to greatly decrease your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Studies of over 800 people with high blood pressure found these benefits when consuming grape seed extract daily.

The most significant improvements were shown in participants with obesity or a metabolic disorder under the age of 50. [10]


First found in watermelon, Citrulline is an amino acid that when consumed is partially converted to a separate amino acid named arginine. Arginine then turns into nitric oxide, which causes the blood vessels to relax and lower your blood pressure and increase blood flow. 

One study even found that consumption of citrulline may potentially increase arginine levels more than taking actual arginine. [11]


A meta-analysis of 7 eligible randomized clinical trials demonstrated the significant decline in both systolic blood pressure 5.69mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 7.12mmHg following supplementation with inositol. 

Conclusions: The current meta-analysis, indicated that supplementation with inositol significantly decrease SBP and DBP. [12]


A mineral vital to several bodily functions, one of magnesium’s main roles is assisting in blood pressure regulation.

Research has shown that supplementary magnesium could increase nitric oxide, thereby reducing blood pressure. [13]

Vitamin E

In a study on Vitamin E, they found the supplement had caused a remarkable decrease in systolic blood pressure (down 24%)  and a decrease in the diastolic blood pressure of 12.5% It is concluded that a vitamin E supplement of 200 IU/day (50mg) can be effective in mild hypertensive patients in the long term. [14]

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, decreases your risk for heart disease. Vital to making acetylcholine, the element responsible for aiding your body to send messages across nerves and muscles, without Thiamine your heart would struggle to function properly. [15]

Furthermore, not getting enough thiamin can result in different abnormal cardiac motor functions. One such abnormal condition is congestive heart failure, or when the heart cannot properly pump blood to the body. In people with congestive heart failure, the rate of which this occurs is higher in those with poor dietary intake and the elderly. [16]

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

New findings show that Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, has a beneficial effect on blood pressure.Three randomly controlled studies in patients with the specific (MTHFR) 677 TT gene showed taking riboflavin daily lead to reduced blood pressure. [17]

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Niacin has many roles – one of them being to release chemicals that assist your blood vessels in widening called prostaglandins. When the blood vessels widen, it helps to improve blood flow. This increased blood flow reduces blood pressure. 

One study of over 12,000 adults found that for every 1 mg increase in daily niacin intake, there was a corresponding 2% decrease in risk for high blood pressure. Overall, the lowest risk for high blood pressure was seen at a daily niacin intake of 14.3 to 16.7 mg per day. [18]

Vitamin B6

There is a strong link between vitamin B6 and heart disease. Studies have shown that women who consumed the most vitamin B6 had a 51% decrease in coronary heart disease when compared to those that took the least.  It was found that every 2 mg increase in B6 intake had a corresponding 10% drop in coronary heart disease risk. [19]

Vitamin C

According to a study from John Hopkins when researching Vitamin C’s affect on blood pressure, it was found that intaking around 500mg of vitamin C every day lowered blood pressure in the short term. For those with high blood pressure, this drop was even more significant. [20]


Researchers have found that low selenium levels have been connected to a higher risk for heart disease. A selenium rich diet could aid in keeping your heart healthy. In these studies, it was found that raising selenium levels in the blood by 50% was linked to a 24% decrease in heart disease risk. 


Another benefit found in selenium is augmented levels of a powerful antioxidant called glutathione peroxidase. This enhanced level of antioxidants shows that selenium might aid in reducing risk of heart disease by lowering both oxidative stress (or the balance between antioxidants and free radicals) and inflammation in the body.  This is important because these two conditions are associated with plaque buildup in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, which can result in several fatal health conditions like stroke, heart attacks, and heart disease. [21]


Studies found that supplementing Zinc to your diet greatly lowered systolic blood pressure compared to placebos. However, the study did not find zinc supplementation to have significant effects on diastolic blood pressure. [22]



L-Arginine for healthy cholesterol levels?

A study was done to evaluate the effects of L-arginine on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and here’s what they found…

L-arginine supplementation led to a significant reduction in the total serum cholesterol levels, plus…

LDL cholesterol and triglycerides also decreased while the HDL cholesterol showed significant elevation after the therapy.

L-arginine administration was found to improve the lipid profile of the subjects in the study and could be used as a preventive measure for the onset of high cholesterol. [1]

Beet Root

Packed with powerful antioxidants and beneficial nutrients beet-root has been shown to be beneficial for your health and it’s even been reported to lower blood pressure, but that’s not all.

In a 15-day study on the effects of beet-root on cholesterol levels, Beet-root juice supplementation beneficially influenced lipid profiles by significantly increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and decreasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) compared with baseline value meaning…

It boosted the good cholesterol and reduced the bad cholesterol. [2]

Coenzyme Q10

A total of eight trials were conducted to look into the effects of CoQ10 on cholesterol levels. 

The findings showed that CoQ10 significantly decreased total cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. 

Levels of CoQ10 in your body decrease as you age so it may be a “must-have” addition to your daily supplementation regimen. [3]


With nearly three times as many antioxidants as green tea or red wine, pomegranate is an antioxidant powerhouse!

Antioxidants are thought to provide several heart-protecting benefits, including reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol. [4]

Flax Seed Powder

More like Flax Seed Power!

Based on the beneficial effects of flaxseed on cardiovascular risk factors,  flaxseed consumption can be considered useful for reducing lipid profiles. In fact…

In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial participants with unhealthy cholesterol levels were randomly allocated to a flaxseed powder group and placebo group, and…

Researchers found a significant reduction in lipid profiles (triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) within flaxseed group in comparison with the placebo group. [5]


L-carnitine can reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol levels and especiallly in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Researches conducted a study  to evaluate the efficacy of L-carnitine on the reduction of  LDL cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes, and..

At the end of the study, the L-carnitine-treated patients showed significant improvements compared with the placebo group. [6]


A 2014 study showed  that taurine helped slow the progression of atherosclerosis in animals which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes, and…

A 2017 study investigated the effects of taurine supplements and exercise in people with heart failure. 

People who exercised before and after taking taurine for 2 weeks showed lower levels of blood cholesterol and inflammation. [7]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

High blood cholesterol is a major cardiovascular disease risk factor and is responsive to diet and lifestyle.

 Lowering total blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides and raising HDL (good cholesterol) levels is the most desirable state for protection against CVD, but can be difficult to achieve through diet and exercise alone.

There is emerging evidence of reduced LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides and increased HDL (good cholesterol), by alpha lipoic acid when used alone or in combination with other dietary supplements. And, ALA may be an effective strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. [8]


Inositol significantly decreases triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels, and… 

In a meta-analysis of multiple studies on people with metabolic syndrome (Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes). 

These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Those in the studied who used Inositol significantly decreased their triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol levels. [9]

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

A double-blinded randomized trial following 216 men and women with high LDL “bad” cholesterol and  triglycerides were given supplements of 400 mg of Pantothenic Acid daily for 8 weeks. 

After 8 weeks, they had a 33% reduction in triglycerides compared with baseline levels. Total cholesterol also decreased, and HDL cholesterol increased from baseline. [10]

Vitamin B12

Three independent clinical studies showed that low vitamin B12 status was associated with higher total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and cholesterol-to-HDL ratio. [11]

Vitamin C

Supplementation with  vitamin C, for a minimum of 4 weeks, can result in a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. [12]

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation appears to have a beneficial effect on reducing total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. [13]


In a study of chromium, researchers found that levels of total cholesterol, and LDL (bad cholesterol) decreased significantly while the subjects were ingesting chromium picolinate. 

The HDL (good cholesterol) level was elevated slightly and these observations show that chromium picolinate is efficacious in lowering blood lipids in humans. [14]


In a meta-analysis on the effects of Zinc supplementation on cholesterol it was found that Zinc supplementation significantly reduced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and…

May have the potential to reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis related morbidity and mortality. [15]


Thirteen healthy women consumed diets higher in boron than their routine diet for one month. 

When their  boron concentrations increased, significant changes were found and their LDL, VLDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels decreased significantly.[16]



Boost performance.

Performance and recovery aids such as arginine have been shown in studies to boost both your aerobic and anaerobic performance. [1]


Take your endurance and performance up a notch.

Several studies suggest that dietary nitrates like those found in beets may enhance your athletic performance and according to one review…

Beetroot juice could enhance your endurance, boost your cardiorespiratory performance by actually increasing how long it takes you to become exhausted during your training.

Coenzyme Q-10

CoQ10 can help your training performance, and moreover…

Supplementing with CoQ10 can help increase your power and reduce fatigue during training!

Oxidative stress can affect your muscle function and exercise performance and adding CoQ10 to your supplement mix can help to decrease the oxidative stress in your cells and improve mitochondrial functions leading to improved performance. [2]


Rich in antioxidants and flavanoids, pomegranate has been shown to improve training performance and post-exercise recovery. In fact…

In a trial to test the power of pomegranate, male amateur cyclists were run through a training program of 2-4 sessions per week to assess the effects of pomegranate extract on their performance and a significant difference was found in improved training performance between those who used pomegranate and those who didn’t. [3]


Improved physical performance, higher power output, improved recovery…

The studies are in and L-Carnitine is a winner.

Not to mention… 

Studies in older adults have shown that l-carnitine can lead to increased muscle mass, a decrease in body weight and reduced physical and mental fatigue. [4]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Found in every cell in your body… Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant made by the body that helps turn glucose into energy.

Antioxidants attack “free radicals,” and waste products created in the body and while some antioxidants such as Vitamins C & E can only work in water, alpha-lipoic acid is both fat and water-soluble which means it can work throughout your body, and… 

Evidence suggests alpha-lipoic acid may help regenerate these other antioxidants and make them active again. [5]


There are loads of studies that report on how nitric oxide (NO) improves sports performance. And, that’s because NO increases blood flow, and improves muscle energy metabolism.

L-Citrulline is an amino acid present in the body and is a potent precursor of L-arginine, which transforms into NO in the body.  

In a study on cyclists L-Citrulline supplementation significantly increased L-arginine levels and improved performance when compared with placebo. Plus…

L-citrulline significantly improved feelings of fatigue and concentration immediately after exercise. [6]


During exercise, you may need 10–20% more magnesium than when you’re resting and magnesium can play a vital role in your exercise performance. In fact…

Studies have shown it can boost exercise performance for athletes, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases.

In one study, volleyball players who took 250 mg of magnesium per day experienced improvements in jumping, and in another study…

Athletes who spent four weeks supplementing with magnesium had faster running, cycling, and swimming times during a triathlon. [7]

Vitamin B Complex

The power of B.

All B-complex vitamins (including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12) help convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from the food you eat into energy your body can use during training and your everyday activities. [8]

Vitamin D

Feeling tired?

Vitamin D deficiency may be one of the reasons. Studies have shown that low blood levels of vitamin D can cause fatigue and have a negative effect on the quality of your life. But…

Several studies have also found that supplementing with vitamin D could reduce the severity of fatigue in people with a deficiency. [9]


Feel the burn.

While you won’t actually feel it, chromium helps to move blood sugar from the bloodstream into your cells to be used as energy and to turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. [10]



A study of people between the ages of 41 and 75, found that supplementing with L-arginine showed a remarkable improvement in:

Ability to concentrate

Increased energy in the morning

Memory retrieval

Clear mind

Delay in mental exhaustion

Stamina and resistance to depression

Reduction in severity of anxiety & stress

Improvement in skin texture/appearance

Reduction in nervousness

Improvement in circulation

Deepness of sleep

Improvement in skin texture/appearance

General mood

Overall Feeling of well-being

Muscular performance

Male sexual performance

Studies have shown that l-arginine can improve many of these functions and the demonstrated anti-aging benefits of l-arginine show promise greater than any pharmaceutical or nutraceutical agent ever previously discovered.[1]

Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that your body naturally produces and supplementing with it may slow age-related physical decline and improve your quality of life.

For instance, a 4-year study in 443 older adults showed that supplementing with CoQ10 and selenium improved overall quality of life, reduced hospital visits, and slowed physical and mental deterioration.

CoQ10 supplements may work by reducing oxidative stress, a condition characterized by an accumulation of free radicals that accelerates the aging process, and…

CoQ10 supplements may benefit heart health by reducing stiffness in your arteries, lowering blood pressure, and preventing the buildup of cholesterol in your arteries. [2]


A high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine.

The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world and evidence shows that among all of the contributing factors they have one thing in common…

A high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine.

The connection between taurine and long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine, “The nutritional factor for the longevity of the Japanese.” [3]


Most human cells are on a countdown timer before they lose the ability to divide, which seems to play a role in aging, and…

Recent studies have shown that low magnesium accelerates the process of aging

Several pieces of evidence link low Magnesium to aging and age-related diseases and the average American diet is low in Magnesium. 

Scientists believe that correcting the nutritional intakes of Magnesium might contribute to healthier aging and the prevention of age-related diseases. [4]

Vitamin C

Having too little Vitamin C may harm your health and contribute to premature aging.

Vitamin C functions as a powerful antioxidant in your body, helping to protect cells from damage, and also plays an important role in immune function, inflammation regulation, and many other processes that are essential to healthy aging.

Maintaining an optimal intake of this vitamin to support health and protect against age-related conditions is a must. In fact…

A study in 80 adults with an average age of 60 found that those with higher blood levels of vitamin C performed better on tasks involving attention, focus, memory, decision-making, recall, and recognition. Plus…

Some evidence suggests that supplementing with vitamin C also improves immune function. [5]

Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays an important role in immune function and the regulation of inflammation and some evidence suggests that older adults need more of this vitamin than younger adults to maintain health during the aging process. [6]

B Vitamins

B Vitamins are involved in multiple aspects of health and are crucial for energy production, immune health, and brain function, plus…

Some research suggests that a B vitamin deficiency could be linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline, osteoporosis, and heart disease in older adults. [7]


A scientific review of “Chromium & Aging” was presented at the “Second International Congress on Nutrition and Aging,” and indicated that some of the diseases viewed solely as a natural result of the aging process are, in fact…

Affected by insulin function and chromium intake.  

While aging has a negative effect on disease risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, chromium has been shown to have positive effects on the same factors. [8]


Zinc deficiency can play an important role in the aging process and in the cause of several age-related chronic illnesses such as atherosclerosis, degenerative diseases of the nervous system.

Zinc plays an essential role in many biochemical pathways and participates in several cell functions, including the immune response. [9]


Boron is a trace mineral that is often overlooked as an essential part of bone health as well as for its ability to help us maintain good health and keep us free from disease as we age, and..

It’s particularly important for preventing and combating ,ailments that arise during the aging process. 

Boron is beneficial for bone growth, inflammation,  brain function, alleviating arthritic symptoms, preventing diabetes, facilitating hormone function, and assisting as an anti-inflammatory. [10]



L-Arginine is an essential nutrient for our immune systems, playing a critical role in several key areas including the forming protein.  Arginine is an important component in making nitric oxide (NO), which is a key mediator of immune responses. Your body needs enough Arginine to perform several different metabolic pathways, or functions that occur at the cellular level. Thus, it may be necessary to ensure you maintain a healthy, balanced level of Arginine through dietary supplementation. Experimental and clinical findings  support the idea that Arginine is an essential nutrient for our immune systems. [1]

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a number of vital roles in the cell that are needed for your immune system to function at an optimal level. As an antioxidant, it works against free radical-induced oxidation to protect cells. CoQ10 has also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect by repressing genes that cause inflammation and helping to break down damaged cells. [2]


Pomegranates have long been regarded for their multiple health benefits, one such being their antimicrobial properties. Recent spikes in bacteria that are resistant to drugs alongside the potential for global pandemics call for additional measures to boost your immune system. Research today shows that pomegranates and pomegranate extracts, due to their effectiveness against many bacteria and viruses, may work as a natural alternative. [3]


Research indicates that L-theanine may improve the immune system’s functionality. One published study found that L-theanine could aid in decreasing upper respiratory tract infections (URIs). Another study found that “catechins” in green tea, or antioxidants, alongside theanine could assist in preventing the flu. [4]


Improved physical performance, higher power output, improved recovery…

The studies are in and L-Carnitine is a winner.

Not to mention… 

Studies in older adults have shown that l-carnitine can lead to increased muscle mass, a decrease in body weight and reduced physical and mental fatigue. [5]


It’s well established that not having enough protein lowers your immune system’s functionality and makes you more susceptible to infections. It’s hypothesized that insufficient energy from protein is the #1 contributor to immune system deficiency in the world. However, only recently have researchers begun to study the potentials of dietary amino acids to support immune function, despite it being a well established fact. Earlier on, research suggested amino acids are an important source of energy for immune cells and for antioxidant defenses. Now, it is accepted some amino acids that were previously deemed non-essential may be essential. These include proline, arginine, glutamine, glutamate, glycine, taurine and cysteine. [6]


Multiple studies show that acetyl L-Carnitine positively benefits the creation and maturation of T-cells. T-cells or T lymphocytes are key parts of the adaptive immune system. They destroy infected host cells, activate other immune cells, and regulate the immune system’s response. [7]

Vitamin E

A strong antioxidant, Vitamin E is found more in immune cells compared to other types of blood cells and is an effective nutrient for regulating immune function. Deficiency in Vitamin E has been shown to suppress regular functions of the immune system. This, however, can be fixed by replenishing the Vitamin E. While deficiency may be rare, evidence shows ingesting more vitamin E than current recommendations enhances the functionality of the immune system and cuts down on risk of infection. [8]

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is critical in maintaining the natural defenses of your body, including the mucousy barriers in your eyes, gut, genitals, and lungs that trap infectious pathogens like bacteria.

Additionally, it plays a part in producing and maintaining white blood cells, which assist in capturing and purging pathogens from your bloodstream. Deficiency in vitamin A can increase your vulnerability to infections and prolong recovery while ill. [9]

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 may assist the immune system target and destroy “superbugs,” or antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria. Studies done with mice and human blood showed high doses of Vitamin B3 improved immune cell’s ability to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times. [10]

Vitamin B5

Known as the “anti-stress vitamin,” Vitamin B5 precursors coenzyme A, which is vitally important to all micro-organisms. Deficiency in Vitamin B5 leads to lowered production of  cortisol, increased arthritic pain, fatigue, myalgia, depression, sleep disorders,  headaches, and other “proinflammatory” effects on the immune system. 


Vitamin B5 activates immune cells to produce proteins that are vitally important in controlling immune and blood cells. When released, these proteins tell the immune system to do its job. [11]

Vitamin B6

Adding a large dose of vitamin B6 to your diet or taking B6 supplements of around 50 or 100 mg/day has been shown to improve the immune response of critically ill patients. [12]

Vitamin B6 also helps to maintain your immune system by aiding chemical reactions to improve their efficiency. Introducing foods rich in vitamin B6 to your diet will help protect your body against infections and other pathogens. Additionally, studies performed with older adults have connected reduced levels of vitamin B6 with poor immune response. [13]

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is critically important for the function of your immune system. The main reason for this is so that your body can produce enough red blood cells.. If you’re deficient in vitamin B12, your immune system may struggle to fight off infections. Red blood cells are vital immune cells that participate in your body’s immune response, so ensuring they’re well supplied is important.  

Without enough Vitamin B12 in your diet or through supplements, you may be susceptible to pernicious anemia, an autoimmune disorder wherein your immune system attacks stomach cells, thereby inhibiting the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12. Why this condition happens is unknown, but supplements can help with the symptoms. [14]

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known for its many roles it plays in the immune system, and is widely taken in supplementary form to boost one’s immunity

Vitamin C helps to move along the production of white blood cells called lymphocytes and phagocytes that defend the body from infections.

Furthermore, Vitamin C assists with the functionality of these white blood cells, in addition to safeguarding them from free radicals and other molecules that could cause harm.

Additionally, vitamin C acts as a vital instrument in the skin’s defense system. Vitamin C goes directly to the skin, where it assists as an antioxidant and fortifies the skin’s barriers.

On the flip side, it’s been shown that low levels of vitamin C levels are connected with poor health results. One example of this is demonstrated in people who have pneumonia, who tend to have reduced levels of vitamin C.  In these circumstances, Vitamin C supplements have been shown to reduce the time it takes to make a recovery. [15]

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important in the making of anti-inflammatory T cells, the main star of your immune system. Without enough vitamin D, you are more vulnerable to infections, in addition to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus, and multiple sclerosis (MS). . Furthermore, Vitamin D helps safeguard and maintain your intestinal lining. This is vital, since around 70% of our immune cells reside in the intestinal lining. Even more, increasing your intake of vitamin D by a large quantity has been shown to lower your risk for upper respiratory tract infections. [16]


Selenium is vital to the health of your immune system. Selenium is an antioxidant that helps preserve the balance between antioxidants and free radicals in your body, which aids in reducing inflammation while enhancing immunity.

Findings from research have shown that higher levels of selenium in your blood are linked with improved immune response. On the flipside, not getting enough selenium has been shown to hinder the functionality of immune cells and may cause slower immune responses.

Additionally, for people with HIV, research has linked selenium deficiency with a higher risk of both death and progression of the disease. On the other hand, those who’ve supplemented their diet with selenium have been shown to result in fewer hospitalizations and an improvement in symptoms.

Furthermore, supplementary selenium may help to strengthen the immune system in people with influenza, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C. [17]


Chromium is essential in assisting insulin to take action so that the body can make use of sugars, fats, and proteins. Additionally, chromium is important in stimulating or suppressing the immune response. [18]


Playing an important role in the immune system, those who lack enough zinc are more vulnerable to a multitude of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. From research, zinc clearly affects multiple aspects of the immune system including the skin barrier, gene regulation, and more. Proper levels of Zinc are vital for the creation, action, and maintenance of immune cells. Furthermore, zinc has antioxidant traits that help protect against oxidation. [19]


A trace mineral, Copper is crucially necessary for survival. You can find copper in all body tissues. Some of the roles it plays include helping to make red blood cells, maintaining nerve cells, as well as maintaining the immune system. Deficiency in copper can result in neutropenia, or a lack of white blood cells that fight off infections. People with low levels of white blood cells are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. [20]



Dietary supplements containing L-Arginine have been marketed with the purpose of increasing blood flow to your muscles when you’re training, and…

.A study found that L-Arginine supplementation increases Muscle Blood Volume and improves recovery in between sets when you’re hitting it at the gym. [1]


It’s no secret that athletes use nutritional supplementation to enhance the effects of training and to improve their athletic performance.

And, Beetroot is one of them.

Beetroot juice increases levels of nitric oxide (NO), which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow, strengthening muscle contractions, and more. 

These improvements indicate that beetroot juice could enhance physical performance, stamina,  and endurance. [2]

Coenzyme Q-10

CoQ10 can help exercise performance by decreasing oxidative stress in the cells and improving mitochondrial functions, and… 

 Supplementing with CoQ10 can help increase power during exercise and reduce fatigue, both of which can improve your exercise performance, plus… [3]

A recent study also found that CoQ10 increased the number of cells that create new bone and decreased the rate at which old bone is broken down absorbed by the body. This combination of actions significantly improved the rate of bone formation, resulting in stronger bones. [4]


Pomegranate supplementation accelerates recovery of muscle damage and soreness and inflammatory markers after a weightlifting training session, and… 

The results from a recent study prove it. The study showed that elite weightlifters who used natural pomegranate juice during intensive training accelerated their muscle recovery. [5]


One reason why aging is often associated with increased joint pain is that starting in our mid-30s we begin to produce less collagen. 

Collagen is necessary for overall physical and mental health since it helps hold the body together and is needed to maintain the strength and flexibility of connective tissue.

Obtaining more of the amino acids that form collagen, including proline, may help to mitigate these effects by promoting the formation of new cartilage, aiding in muscle growth or maintenance, and even helping improve bone density. 

Proline and other amino acids can strengthen cartilage and studies conducted on animals have found that proline supports tissue growth and performance while also aiding in many functions of the immune system and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which can damage joints and connective tissue. [6]


Found in every cell in your body… Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant made by the body that helps turn glucose into energy.

Antioxidants attack “free radicals,” and waste products created in the body and while some antioxidants such as Vitamins C & E can only work in water, alpha-lipoic acid is both fat and water-soluble which means it can work throughout your body, and… 

Evidence suggests alpha-lipoic acid may help regenerate these other antioxidants and make them active again. [7]


Muscle – Studies point to the positive impact of dietary supplementation with l-carnitine on the recovery process after exercise. 

L-carnitine reduces muscle injury and muscle soreness by enhancing blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscle tissue.

Studies in older adults also show that l-carnitine intake can lead to increased muscle mass accompanied by a decrease in body weight and reduced physical and mental fatigue. [8]

Bones – Bone mineral density

Men who received L-carnitine over 2 years showed higher bone mineral density than those who received a placebo. [9]


Muscle – Eccentric exercise is known to cause some serious muscle soreness which can significantly impair physical performance over the days after training. 

Taurine, a powerful antioxidant, has been shown to have a beneficial effect on muscle damage and recovery when taken for a few days to several weeks prior to eccentric exercise.

In fact… A study aimed to determine whether supplementing with taurine over three days following eccentric exercise improved performance recovery in males and…

The findings suggest that taurine supplementation taken twice daily for 72 hours following exercise-induced muscle damage may help improve performance and recovery. [10]

Bone – Taurine also acts as a double beneficial agent; stimulating bone formation and inhibiting bone loss. [11]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Muscle – ALA is beneficial in several ways because It helps convert simple sugars into energy. The conversions of sugar can help improve exercise performance, leading to more efficiency in health and fitness programs. 

ALA also assists in the delivery of creatine, carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients to the muscle tissue, which are necessary for increasing strength and endurance, as well as muscle size. In other words…

ALA can extend workout time and improve muscle strength.

The multiple health benefits of ALA have made it a popular supplement among endurance and resistance athletes alike. [12]

Bone – Osteoporosis is a chronic disease associated with decreased bone density that afflicts millions of people worldwide. 

Current treatments are limited, costly, and linked to several negative side effects, but…

Alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to help improve bone density. [13]

L- Citrulline

Several studies have shown that citrulline malate can improve weight training performance. 

One study of 41 men assessed the effects of citrulline malate on the ability to perform repetitions during upper body exercise. 

With citrulline malate the participants were able to perform 53% more repetitions compared to a placebo group, and…

The participants’ muscle soreness in the two days after exercise was 40% lower when they consumed citrulline malate before exercising. [14]


Bone – Magnesium is crucial for maintaining bone health and protecting against bone loss. In fact… 

50–60% of your body’s magnesium is found in your bones and some studies associate lower levels of this mineral with a higher risk of osteoporosis.

A 3-year study showed that those who consumed the least magnesium experienced 3 times more fractures than those with the highest intake, plus…

A recent review of 12 studies linked high magnesium intake to increased bone mineral density in the hip and femoral neck, both areas that are susceptible to fracture. [15]

Vitamin E

The key nutrients needed for maintaining healthy bones as you age are protein, calcium, and Vitamin D. However…

Getting enough vitamin A is also necessary for proper bone growth and development, and a deficiency in this vitamin has been linked to poor bone health. In fact,…

Recent studies have found that people with the highest amounts of total vitamin A in their diet had a 6% decreased risk of fractures. [16]

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Muscle – In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, participants of the 2016 161-km Western States Endurance Run were assigned to receive a riboflavin or placebo capsule shortly before the race and when reaching 90 km. 

For the race finishers completing the study, muscle pain and soreness ratings during and immediately after the race were found to be significantly lower for the riboflavin group. 

Analysis of the 400-m run times also showed faster times for the riboflavin group than the placebo group at post-race days 3 and 5. 

These findings suggest that riboflavin supplementation before and during prolonged running might reduce muscle pain and soreness during and at the completion of the exercise and may enhance early functional recovery after the exercise. [17]

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

An international team of scientists, led by the University of Helsinki reported that vitamin B3, niacin, has a therapeutic effect in progressive muscle disease. [18]

Vitamin B12

Bone – Women are about four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis, and a new study also links vitamin B12 deficiency with low bone mineral density in men as well.

Scientists examined the relationship between vitamin B12 blood levels and indicators of bone health in 2,576 men and women who participated in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. 

They found that those with low vitamin B12 levels were at greater risk of osteoporosis than those with higher levels, making Vitamin B12 a key nutrient to support stronger bones. [19]

Vitamin C

Vitamin C could be the key to better muscles in later life, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).

A recent study shows that people who eat plenty of vitamin C have the best skeletal muscle mass which is important because people tend to lose skeletal muscle mass as they get older — leading to frailty, and reduced quality of life.

Lead researcher Prof Ailsa Welch, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School said: “We are very excited by our findings as they suggest that dietary vitamin C is important for muscle health in older men and women and may be useful for preventing age-related muscle loss. [20]

Vitamin D

Bone – Vitamin D plays an essential role in maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D deficiency is now being recognized as a major cause of metabolic bone disease in the elderly making Vitamin D a key supplement to keep bones healthy and strong. [21]

Muscle – (This wording is from Kachava) Vitamin D deficiency is fairly common, and low levels have been associated with muscle fatigue and having a higher body fat percentage. The good news: Restoring healthy levels of this vitamin can improve muscle functioning and efficiency. Maintaining healthy vitamin D levels can also help ensure adequate production of testosterone, a hormone that has long been known to help stimulate muscle protein synthesis. [22]


Muscle –selenium deficiency can lead to skeletal muscle disorders manifested by muscle pain, fatigue, and weakness. [23]

Bones – Selenium is an essential element for humans, and several findings suggest that dietary Selenium intake may be necessary for bone health. [24]


Bones – Chromium helps to keep insulin activity in the body efficient, and may be bone-protective in a couple of ways:

By promoting the production of collagen by our bone-building cells; and…

By moderating bone breakdown.

A third bone-protective aspect was identified in a study, where supplementing with chromium picolinate raised blood levels of DHEA, a hormone that may play a role in preserving bone density among postmenopausal women. [25]


Muscle Zinc works to boost the immune system, keep workouts strong and help muscles repair from exercise and may also aid in muscle protein synthesis – the process by which the protein you eat becomes part of your muscles. [26]

Bones – Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for normal skeletal growth, and… 

Zinc also appears to be able to promote bone regeneration. 

Based on the effects of zinc in skeletal growth, therapeutic approaches using zinc to improve bone regeneration are being developed. [27]


Bones- Manganese is essential for bone health, including bone development and maintenance. 

When combined with calcium, zinc and copper, manganese supports bone mineral density which is particularly important in older adults.

Research suggests that taking manganese with calcium, zinc, and copper may help reduce spinal bone loss in older women. [28]


Muscle –selenium deficiency can lead to skeletal muscle disorders manifested by muscle pain, fatigue, and weakness. [29]

Bones – Selenium is an essential element for humans, and several findings suggest that dietary Selenium intake may be necessary for bone health. [30]

Trimethylglycine (Betaine)

A recent study investigated the effects of long-term betaine supplementation on body composition, and performance, in experienced strength training athletes.

In the Betaine supplementation group, arm size increased significantly, squat training volume increased, bench press training volume was significantly improved and body composition improved significantly. [31]



Dermatologist, Dr. Mark Rosenberg reports, “It was found that eating beets, and drinking beet juice, can have some profound benefits to your skin, eyes, heart, and brain.  Beets are packed with very high concentrations of antioxidants, carotenoids, folate, fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, and Vitamin C.

As a dermatologist, in addition to the general health-boosting properties of beets, I’m particularly impressed by their anti-aging skin benefits.” [1]

In 2015, a scientific review showed that adding beetroot to your diet will significantly increase your antioxidant protection, thus leading to fewer wrinkles and fine lines and a more youthful appearance. [2]

Coenzyme Q10

In a small study, Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reduced some visible signs of aging and was determined to significantly reduced wrinkles and fine lines while improving skin smoothness. [3]

Flax Seed

One small study including 36 women indicated that adding flaxseed into their diet resulted in fewer wrinkles as well as a smoother complexion. [4]


A major function of proline is helping repair damage to the skin by stimulating cellular migration and new tissue development. In fact… 

Proline also supports the formation of new collagen which is essential in giving structure and strength to our skin. 

Certain studies have found that collagen supplements, which contain proline, can improve skin.

Consuming more amino acids that form collagen can be effective for keeping skin looking younger and proline might also help naturally prevent or treat cellulite. 

It can help tone, firm and tighten skin, which is why collagen supplements are commonly used for their many anti-aging effects. [5]


Taurine is considered to play an important role in maintaining the moisture of your skin.

A study found that oral supplementation with taurine for 8 weeks lowered the development of UV-induced wrinkle formation, and…

Oral taurine supplementation for 4 weeks decreased pre-established wrinkles. [6]

Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays an important role in immune function and the regulation of inflammation and some evidence suggests that older adults need more of this vitamin than younger adults to maintain health during the aging process. [7]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is an organic compound found in all human cells that has powerful antioxidant properties.

The antioxidant properties of alpha-lipoic acid have been linked to several benefits, including lower blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, slowed skin aging, and improved nerve function.

Grape Seed Extract

Skin aging is a natural process that may be aggravated by environmental factors and topical products are the normal go-to for combating signs of aging, but…

The use of oral supplements, including grape seed extract is on the rise to assist in keeping skin looking healthy and young.

Results from a 2015 study that looked at the effects of vitamin C, grape seed extract, zinc, and tomato extract in the improvement of skin showed significant improvements in skin hydration and firmness. [9]


Most experts agree that magnesium is nature’s anti-stress mineral and that our skin would be subjected to harmful free radicals and inflammation that leads to aging and wrinkles if not for magnesium’s role in the enzymes that manage DNA repair and replication. [10][11]

Vitamin E

In a small trial, scientists found that vitamin E supplements improved hair growth in people with hair loss. 

It’s thought the vitamin’s antioxidant properties helped reduce oxidative stress in the scalp that has been linked with hair loss. [12]

Vitamin A

Vitamins A is a fat soluble vitamin frequently found in hair, skin, and nails supplements due to its potential benefits for your hair and skin.

Adequate intake of vitamin A helps keep your hair and skin moisturized because it boosts the production of collagen to support healthy-looking hair and skin. [13]

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) & B7 (Biotin)

Deficiencies in certain B-complex vitamins—in particular, biotin (B7) and pantothenic acid (B5)—have been associated with hair loss, but replenishing depleted nutrient stores can reverse this effect. Research suggests biotin supplementation may also be beneficial for treating brittle fingernails when your levels are low. [14]

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for skin health and supplementing with this super vitamin may improve skin hydration, stimulate collagen production, and safeguard against wrinkles and premature aging due to sun exposure. [15]


Frailty and brittleness of the fingernails are frequently seen, particularly in women and a study on biotins effects on fingernails showed that 91% of patients showed definite improvement with firmer and harder fingernails with the use of biotin. [16]

Vitamin D

A 2019 study in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal found vitamin D deficiencies could worsen hair loss over time, and…

A 2016 study from the International Journal of Trichology found that among younger people with hair loss, women showed greater vitamin D deficiency.

“Supplementing vitamin D can often be helpful since most people are deficient—along with other key nutrients, typically iron, vitamin C, and biotin—in restoring hair loss. It certainly helps thicken existing hair.” 

That’s the verdict on the benefits of supplementing with vitamin D for healthier and thicker hair. [17]


Zinc can help protect the skin against sun damage and a symptom of zinc deficiency is hair loss, so adding zinc to a hair, skin and nails supplement may help ensure low levels are corrected. Hair follicles and nails grow fast and turn over quickly and need plenty of zinc for cell growth. [18]



Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression with Arginine.

A study published in the June 2005 issue of “Nutritional Neuroscience” showed that a combination of L-lysine and L-arginine helped to reduce the effects of stress in participants exposed to a simulated stress test, and…

In another study, published in 2007 researchers found that supplementation helped to reduce stress-induced anxiety when subjects were exposed to a cognitive stress test. The supplementation of L-lysine and L-arginine also helped reduce levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. [1]


Mental and cognitive functions, unfortunately, decline with age, which can increase the risk of disorders like dementia, but…

The nitrates in beets may improve brain function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain.

Beets have been shown to improve blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, an area associated with higher-level thinking like decision making and working memory. [2]

Coenzyme Q10

Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a chronic and recurrent mood disorder characterized by episodes of mania, hypomania, major depression, and…

Based on available evidence, it seems that coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), can improve symptoms of depression over a period of 8 weeks.


L-theanine is a relaxing agent known to relieve stress and anxiety. These effects can also be felt in people with psychological disorders, including bipolar disorder, and some people claim to experience improved concentration. Researchers believe that L-theanine may control aspects of human brain function, and…

Electroencephalogram (EEG) studies have demonstrated it can have a direct relaxing effect on the brain without making you drowsy, plus… [4]

In an open study, researchers found that l-theanine is safe and has multiple beneficial effects on depressive symptoms, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and cognitive impairments. [5]


A decline in memory and thinking skills occurs normally with age, but taking acetyl-L-carnitine might improve memory and mental function, and… It may also reduce tiredness after exercise. Not only that…

Taking 1-4 grams of acetyl-L-carnitine daily also seems to improve mood and decrease depression in some people. [6]


The science of taurine in the brain is rapidly emerging and demonstrates that it may prevent brain aging. Taurine may…

Protect brain cells against environmental toxins including lead and organic pesticides…

Prevent dysfunction of mitochondria within brain cells, and sustain energy levels Protect brain cells against excitotoxicity, the chemical stress effects of an overstimulated brain.

Reduce brain inflammatory processes that are active in the production of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases Stimulate new neuron formation to sustain learning and memory

Protect brain cells against destruction following a stroke. [7]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Aging has been considered the main risk factor for the advance of neurodegenerative diseases, many of which are accompanied by cognitive impairment, but…

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, a natural compound present in food and used as a dietary supplement, has been considered a promising agent for the treatment and/or prevention of neurodegenerative disorders. [8]


Citrulline supplementation can have a positive effect on both mood and cognitive function.

In a small study, citrulline supplementation showed a significant reduction in depressive mood state and total mood disturbance in groups 18+. [9]


Inositol is believed to improve depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders by stimulating the production of the “feel-good” hormones serotonin and dopamine. [10]


Depression – Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are associated with an increased risk of depression. In fact…

An analysis of more than 8,800 people found that those under age 65 with the lowest magnesium levels had a 22% greater risk of depression and supplementing with magnesium may help reduce the symptoms of depression. plus…

A 6-week study also showed that taking 248 mg of magnesium per day decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety, regardless of magnesium status.

Migraine headaches – Migraine headaches can be painful and often cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise and make It hard to focus. Researchers believe that people with migraine are more likely than others to have a magnesium deficiency and several studies suggest that magnesium supplements may even prevent and treat migraine headaches.

Anxiety – Research suggests that magnesium helps treat and prevent anxiety, and…

One study associated increased magnesium intake with a lower risk of depression and anxiety. [11]

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that protects cells from damage associated with oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

The brain is highly susceptible to oxidative stress, and high vitamin E levels were repeatedly associated with better cognitive performance.

Due to its antioxidant properties, the ability of vitamin E to prevent or delay cognitive decline has shown to have positive results in clinical trials in both the aging population and Alzheimer’s patients. [12]

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)

Mental health problems such as memory loss, anxiety, depression, irritability, and insomnia are associated with deficiencies in vitamin B1. The brain uses B1 to help convert glucose or blood sugar into energy which means that without it, the brain may not have enough energy to function normally. [13]

Vitamin B6

Mood Regulation – Vitamin B6 plays an important role in mood regulation which is partly because this vitamin is necessary for creating the neurotransmitters that regulate emotions. This includes serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). [14]

PMS – Vitamin B6 has been used to treat symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including anxiety, depression, and irritability, and… Researchers suspect that B6 helps with emotional symptoms related to PMS due to its role in creating neurotransmitters that regulate mood. A small study found that 50 mg of vitamin B6 along with 200 mg of magnesium per day significantly reduced PMS symptoms, including mood swings, irritability, and anxiety, over the course of one menstrual cycle. [15]

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a key component in the formation of red blood cells and its deficiency could lead to anemia. This disorder may cause issues like mood swings, paranoia, irritability, confusion, dementia, and hallucinations (or mania). When Vitamin B12 and folate supplements are combined, they enhance the production of serotonin and dopamine which both play important roles in regulating and maintaining mental health. [16]

Vitamin D

Research shows that vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression. A review of 7,534 people found that those experiencing negative emotions who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms. [17]


Several studies have shown that patients with Alzheimer’s have lower blood levels of selenium, and…

One study found that supplementing with one selenium-rich Brazil-nut per day improved verbal fluency and other mental functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment. What’s more…

Selenium has been associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. [18]


The highest amount of zinc in the body is found in our brains and zinc deficiency can lead to symptoms of depression, ADHD, and difficulties with learning and memory. Zinc has also been found to be low in the serum of those suffering from depression, and in fact…

The more depressed someone is the lower their levels of zinc.

Zinc supplementation has been shown to have an antidepressant effect. [19]


Manganese is essential for healthy brain function and is often used to help treat specific nervous disorders. Additionally…

Manganese can bind to neurotransmitters and stimulate faster or more efficient movement of electrical impulses throughout your body and as a result, brain function may be improved. [20]

Trimethylglycine (Betaine)

TMG has been shown to increase the effects of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe), a type of medication used to treat mild to moderate depression, and interestingly…

In a small study including 64 people with depression, those who took both SAMe and TMG for 12 months experienced greater improvement in their symptoms than those who took SAMe alone. [21]

[14] & [15]


In 10 randomized controlled trials with 540 patients with ED arginine supplements were found to significantly improve ED compared with placebo or no treatment. 

Arginine supplements also caused significant improvements in the International Index of Erectile Function subdomain scores of overall satisfaction, intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function, and erectile function. [1]

How L-arginine reliably increases women’s libido

But L-arginine has one further effect that isn’t so well-known…

It also has a dramatic impact on sexual arousal in women.

Supplementing with L-arginine can expand both sexual excitement and desire which helps you reach orgasm by amplifying both genital blood flow and smooth muscle relaxation.

L-arginine enhances sexual responsiveness by increasing the nitric oxide in your blood, which relaxes and expands your blood vessels and this lifts libido by:

  • Intensifying sensation…
  • Increasing blood flow…
  • Stimulating the entire vaginal, and clitoral, area.

All of these physical effects of L-arginine mean that sex can quickly become more pleasurable while also increasing your desire. [2]


Beet juice is high in nitrates and your body turns nitrates into nitric oxide which may help prevent ED.

Research has shown that nitric oxide serves as a vasodilator to open blood vessels and helps maintain pressure in the corpus cavernosum to sustain an erection. [3]

Coenzyme Q-10

Several studies have concluded that supplementing with CoQ10 may improve sperm quality, activity, and concentration by increasing antioxidant protection and may even reverse the age-related decline in egg quality and quantity in women [4]


Low levels of testosterone can become a serious health problem leading to lowered energy, depression, diminished libido, weight gain, muscle loss, brain fog, and more. 

Women also need testosterone for their sex drive and the regulation of estrogen levels.

A daily intake of pomegranate is one of the easiest ways to improve testosterone.

Pomegranate is shown to block estrogen production and the Beckman Research Institute in California reported that pomegranate is rich in ellagitannins (ET) which convert into compounds used to stop your androgens from turning into estrogens. 

This is critical to testosterone levels as too much estrogen can interfere with libido, hurt erectile health, and damage bone strength. [5]


In a 6-month, double-blind trial carnitine and testosterone were separately compared to placebo.

The results indicated that both carnitine and testosterone improve erectile function, and…

Carnitine has also shown promise for treating male infertility. [6]

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to develop and/or maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. 

Patients treated with alpha-lipoic acid had their ED indicators significantly improved, and…

Alpha-lipoic acid had a beneficial effect on erectile dysfunction. [7]


Studies have found that inositol may be beneficial for improving the function of the ovaries and fertility in women with PCOS. 

These studies have typically used doses of 2–4 grams per day, and benefits have been seen in normal-weight, overweight and obese women.

Research has also found that inositol supplements may improve menstrual cycle regularity, ovulation, and pregnancy rates in women with PCOS. [8]


Magnesium supplementation can help return testosterone levels to normal if the cause of the decrease is a deficiency.

One study found that taking magnesium for at least 1 month might increase testosterone in all people. 

The report also added that people who exercise would see a more significant increase in testosterone levels than those who are not active. [9]

Vitamin D

A 2020 meta-analysis found a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and severe ED. 

Another study of young men with low vitamin D status found that those with a vitamin D deficiency had worse erectile function which suggests a link between vitamin D deficiency and ED. [10]

 In a study with 47 women with vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, supplementation improved sexual desire in women with vitamin D deficiency and increased the total scores for orgasm and sexual satisfaction. 

These results indicate that vitamin D supplementation improves female sexual functioning and mood in women with low vitamin D status. [11]

Vitamin E

Female sexual disorders are common among women, especially in their middle age, which can reduce the quality of life substantially.

In a study with 100IU (67mg) Vitamin E, 67 mg Korean ginseng, and 40 mg Siberian ginseng, it significantly improved desire and satisfaction. [12]


Several studies have shown that taking a selenium supplement may improve testosterone levels or aid male fertility by enhancing semen quality

A 26-week study in men with infertility noted that taking 200 mcg of selenium along with 600 mg of N-acetyl-cysteine daily increased testosterone production, sperm count, and sperm quality, compared with a placebo, plus…

Another study observed that taking 200 mcg of selenium along with 400 units of vitamin E for 100 days improved sperm motility and appearance in 53% of participants. [13]


Studies show a very clear relationship between zinc and testosterone levels. 

In a 1996 study young men were fed a diet including very little zinc and developed a zinc deficiency. 

Testosterone levels were measured and there was a significant decrease (almost 75 percent) after 20 weeks of a low-zinc diet.

The study also examined zinc supplementation in elderly men and researchers showed that with increased zinc intake, testosterone levels in the elderly population almost doubled. [14]

In a study on postmenopausal women, the use of zinc supplementation significantly improved sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, satisfaction, vaginal moisture, and the overall score of sexual function. [15]


According to a 2015 review of boron literature, taking a 6-mg dose of boron for just a week has been shown to increase free testosterone levels by nearly 25 percent. [16]


Start Your Tikva Journey Today!

So What Are These Ingredients?

Start Your Tikva Journey Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Please Read All The Way Through

Unlike medications that are like putting a bandaid on your symptoms but you get results very quickly, natural solutions take time.

Some of our natural competitors will say that you will see results in 2 weeks and for some people that may be true. But it won’t be long lasting!

Plus if you compare Tikva to any of our competitors, you will see that we have everything they have in their products, plus A LOT more and we do not make those claims.

The truth is you did not get to where you are overnight and over the last 20 years helping customers like you, we have seen that how long it takes to see results is very much age dependent.

We don’t want you to have false expectations. So below is a chart of typical beginning points. Typically at these points, customers see some fluctuation. And then as they continue on the product, lower days and more and more consistency.

These are typical beginning points for blood pressure:

Up to 50 years old – 2 1/2 – 4 months
Up to 60 years old – 4 – 6 months
Up to 70 years old – 5 – 7 months
Up to 80 years old – 6 – 8 months
Over 80 years old – 7 – 9 months

We do NOT recommend that you get a cholesterol test done prior to 5 months on Tikva

When you get a cholesterol test done, they are checking to see how much plaque is floating in your blood at that moment. If it is stuck to the walls of your arteries, it doesn’t show up on the test.

Since there are multiple nutrients that are slowly dissolving plaque and making it harder to stick, prior to 5 months you will get a false high reading as the plaque is slowly moving out of your system.

Should I try Tikva for a month?

Many people think, let me try Tikva for a month and see how it goes, but this is like throwing money away. (We don’t want you to do that!)

We give you this information to help you make an informed decision.

Based on the chart above and your age, we recommend that you make a commitment to stick with Tikva for at least that long if you are serious about targeting ALL of the leading causes of high blood pressure.

This is why we give such large discounts on our multiple month options.
There are many blood pressure and cholesterol supplements on the market that should NOT be taken if you are currently on medication.

Tikva has safely been on the market since 2003.

We have worked with multiple naturopathic doctors and formulators to provide the nutrients that were shown in clinical trials to be effective but also that did not have contraindications with existing blood pressure and cholesterol medications.

That being said, we always recommend if you are uncertain that you consult with your doctor before starting on any natural supplement.

Tikva is manufactured in cGMP certified facility (Certified by Eurofins – the only certifcation acccepted by Amazon).

All ingredients are 3rd party tested so you know you are getting what you pay for.

If you are on blood pressure medications it is crucial that you read this section.

Many of our competitors use natural ingredients that may be effective in lowering your blood pressure or your cholesterol, but they do not tell you any of the cautions that go along with these ingredients. We as a company have chosen not to use these specific ingredients because they do not mix into water or the risk to you may be too great, especially if you are on specific cardiovascular drugs.


While hawthorn is very powerful and generally considered safe to use, there are also some strong precautions that need to be considered.

In short, if you are taking hypertensives, beta blockers, ace inhibitors, nitroglycerine, sildenafil citrate (Viagra and others like it) you will need to adjust these medications, sometimes drastically.

Unfortunately, most people who go to their doctor to make these adjustments find that their doctors are ignorant about drug/herb interactions and will not know what to do.

Since a large percentage of our customers are already on medications, we consider it best to allow them to buy hawthorn separately if they want to.

Here are the cautions and drug interactions for hawthorn as listed on Whole Health MD:

General Interaction
  • If you take prescription heart medications, consult your doctor before taking hawthorn. Dosages of prescription medications may need to be lowered or altered in some other way when taken along with hawthorn. Never stop taking a prescription heart medication (or alter the dosage) without consulting your doctor.

  • The effect of the following classes of drugs may be dangerously increased by hawthorn:
    antihypertensive; calcium channel blockers (including amlodipine, diltiazem, verapamil); beta blockers (including atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol); ACE inhibitors (including benazepril, enalapril, fosinopril); digitalis drugs and cardiac glycosides (including digitoxin, digoxin); and nitrates (including amyl nitrate, nitroglycerin, sildenafil citrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and dinitrate)


  • Because of hawthorn’s strength and its effects on such a vital organ as the heart, consult your doctor before taking this herb. It’s best not to take it if you already have low blood pressure. And don’t expect hawthorn to help stop an acute attack of angina; it isn’t capable of doing this.

  • Hawthorn is generally recognized as safe, although such side effects as nausea, sweating, fatigue, and rashes do develop on occasion. The herb can also drastically lower blood pressure and cause such symptoms as dizziness and fainting, even in people who have normal blood pressure and do not suffer from heart disease. Stop taking hawthorn and consult your doctor if any of these reactions occur.



If you take a medication to control high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have a kidney disorder, never take potassium supplements without medical supervision.

Consuming potassium-rich foods is fine. Scientists have long known that potassium helps maintain blood pressure. According to the latest studies, people who regularly consume high-potassium foods, such as bananas, avocados, and yogurt, have lower blood pressure than those who don’t, however most people get enough in their diet.

Definitely avoid potassium supplements if you take drugs known as potassium-sparing diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs – such as Aspirin, ibuprophen, Aleve, etc.), beta-blockers, or an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure or Angina.

Because of the risk of various complications, consult your doctor before combining a digitalis drug (cardiac glycoside) with supplemental potassium.

Since many of our customers are on the drugs listed above, we do not include potassium in Tikva. The risks of taking potassium in supplement form are many and require a doctors supervision.

Grape Skin Extract

As a dietary supplement, grape seed extract which is in Tikva is a very popular choice as it provides more benefits than grape skin extract. In addition to containing excellent levels of resveratrol, grape seed extract boasts flavonoids and other beneficial ingredients which help improve platelet function and provides a host of other benefits.

72 Trace Minerals

Any kind of seafood and fish contains all 72 trace minerals. Some of the trace minerals exist in our soil thus in our vegetables. It is rare for Americans to be deficient in this area.


D-Ribose is not in Tikva because, for it to have any meaningful benefit, you need several thousand milligrams. This would make Tikva unaffordable. We refuse to add an ingredient just to say “it’s in there” for sales and marketing purposes.


While sucralose (Splenda) is definately a very sweet no calorie sweetner, the down sides are well described on these two websites.

Ginkgo Biloba

While Ginkgo Biloba certainly has memory benefits, those with cardiovascular issues should be aware of these cautions from the National Institutes of Health

Do NOT take these drugs and Ginkgo together without being monitored by your doctor:

Ibuprofen, aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diuretic drugs and blood thinners such as Hydrochlorothiazide, dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, indomethacin (Indocin), ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), and others. In addition taking ginkgo with omeprazole (Prilosec) might decrease how well omeprazole (Prilosec) works.

Diabetes: Ginkgo might interfere with the management of diabetes. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely.

Seizures: There is a concern that ginkgo might cause seizures. If you have ever had a seizure, don’t use ginkgo.


The American medical journals clearly chronicle case studies involving severe side effects from chronic ginseng users. Ginseng should not be used uninterruptedly for long periods of time. It is recommended that ginseng be taken for two months and then stopped for a full month, before it can be resumed again. This is not acceptable when it is part of a formula that needs to be taken daily.

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) states that ginseng should not be taken by people with hypertension (high blood pressure) since it is likely that ginseng can have variable effects on blood pressure. Some patients experience hypertension and some experience hypotension.

Also, in patients with congestive heart failure, ginseng is known to react with digoxin, and exacerbate its effects.

In addition, ginseng is likely to interact with Coumadin, an anticoagulation drug. This caution should be clearly noted!

Red Yeast Rice


The active ingredient that makes red yeast rice effective is lovastatin, which is a generic statin drug for cholesterol. Red yeast rice can be potentially dangerous because there is no way for you to know what level or quality of lovastatin might be in it. Lovastatin can interact with other medications you may take and harm your health. In addition, lovastatin can cause severe muscle problems and liver damage. We feel there are safer alternatives.


The evidence that this ingredient lowers blood pressure is weak at best and so we did not feel it was beneficial enough to add to the cost of Tikva. Also because it is a liquid it would make Tikva hard to drink.

Red Wine Extract

We use 95% OPC Grape Seed Extract instead. OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) Grape Seed Extract is a set of bioflavonoid complexes (polyphenols and flavonoids) that perform as free radical scavengers in the human body. OPC bioflavonoids were first noticed in the laboratory because they have the uncanny ability to strengthen blood vessel walls within hours after taking them. Our OPC Grape Seed Extract is naturally extracted, so there are NO chemical or solvent residues and is a 120 seed per milligram extract (120:1), which is the highest in the industry, containing a full 95% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs).

Lemon Balm Extract

While lemon balm is good for you, we couldn’t add it to Tikva because it tastes so awful. We simply couldn’t sufficiently camouflage it with our natural sweeteners and flavorings.

Folate (Folic Acid)

Results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest dietary folate intake may be positively associated with postmenopausal breast cancer.

Unfortunately there is so much controversy surrounding Folic acid and breast cancer, that we chose to eliminate it and substitute the more potent ingredient TMG in its place.


The only reason that garlic is not in our product is because no matter how much you deoderize it, as soon as you put it in water, it immediately smells and tastes like garlic. Obviously you wouldn’t want to go around smelling like garlic all day.

One of the advantages of Tikva’s formulation is just how complete it is.

Since so many nutritional supplements are already in Tikva, many of our customers actually save money because they can stop taking most of their other individual supplements.

However, Tikva is not a complete replacement for every nutritional need of your body. We especially encourage you to supplement with the Omega 3 fish oils. We would have put them into the Tikva but fish oils don’t mix into water and they would oxidize and go bad since they are not in an airtight gel cap.

We highly recommend Vectomega Omega 3’s. they have some of the highest levels of EPA/DHA and no fishy afterpurps.

Our customers have been happily surprised with how great Tikva tastes and it is now available in 3 flavors.

Sweet Raspberry, Mango Fusion and Chocolate

Tikva mixes fine into room temperature or warm water, but most people prefer it in a colder liquid, such as: water, milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc. (The chocolate flavor taste best mixed with chocolate almond milk – to me this makes it taste really good)

If you mix it into a colder beverage, you will need to use a blender or magic bullet, etc…

While you are doing that you can always add, banana, strawberries, blueberries or anything else you like to change up the flavor.

Tikva is a powerful formula. Just because it is natural, don’t think that the ingredients aren’t strong enough to affect your bodily functions. They need to be to optimize your health.

Therefore, consult with your doctor if you are taking:

vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, Viagra™, or Levitra , etc.), taking strong anticoagulants (such as warfarin, Coumadin , or heparin, etc.), are type 1 diabetic or are on insulin (as you may need to adjust the amount of insulin that you are taking), suffer from kidney problems, liver disorder, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, genital herpes or if you have had shingles.

Do not take this product if:

You are pregnant, lactating, have brain or ocular herpes, Wilson’s disease, are a hemophiliac, or are under 23 years of age.

Do not take Tikva with L-lysine. The L-arginine and the L-lysine compete with each other. If you have had shingles or herpes, you can take 500 mg of l-lysine 2 hours after Tikva and this will help to prevent an outbreak.

Special Note: Discontinue use of Tikva 2 weeks prior to surgery as this product contains natural blood thinning ingredients.

Absolutely NOT! Advise your doctor that you are taking Tikva.

When you see that your numbers are down and have stayed that way for a while, you can then go back to your doctor and discuss the best way to reduce or eliminate your medications with their approval.

Each bottle of Tikva lasts for 30 days and has a 2 year shelf life from the date of manufacturing.

We should caution you not to assume that our competitors bottles represent a full months supply as many of them say 1 month supply, but then they recommend that you take twice the amount for the product to have its full effect.

Do NOT REFRIGERATE but store in a cool dry place.

Seal the bottle after each use as Tikva absorbs moisture out of the air very quickly. If this happens and it starts to cake up, simply break it back up and use it with full confidence that it will be just as effective and is not ruined in any way.

Our 60 Day Ironclad Guarantee:

1. If you are not completely satisfied with your order, you may return it postmarked within 60 days for a no questions asked refund on your first order only. This refund does not include shipping charges. For complete return instructions, email to or call our office at 813-661-8583.

2. If you are wondering why there is only a 60 day money back guarantee on our larger monthly orders of Tikva, here is the reason: Though it rarely happens, your system may be ultra sensitive and you may not be able to handle the high level of the 31 nutrients. All of this will be apparent well within the 60 days if it happens at all.

Thus, no matter what size order you make, if you are not satisfied for any reason, return it within 60 days and you will receive a no questions asked refund. Only 1 bottle of each flavor you would like to return can be open to qualify for the 60 day money back guarantee. 

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or dis-approve of any kind of dietary supplemets, such as Tikva, since it is not within their jurisdiction. The FDA only approves or dis-approves of pharmaceutical drugs, which Tikva is not.

Tikva is made in a FDA approved facility, but this product being natural, is not under their jurisdiction.

Tikva is manufactured up to cGMP (current good manufacturing processes) and is Certified by Eurofins – the only certification acccepted by Amazon, which is the highest standard for nutritional products.

All ingredients are 3rd party tested for quality and quantity, so you know you are getting what you pay for.

Why Thousands Love Tikva

Charles B.
Charles B.
Verified Customer
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Before Tikva I was on blood pressure medicine and my numbers on the medicine were around 160 over 90 and after Tikva I was able to reduce my blood pressure medicine from 40mg down to 20mg and my blood pressure now averages about 130 over 72. Recently I went to a health food store to inquire about a means to receive the minerals and vitamins that are in Tikva. Found out that there was no single product containing all that is in Tikva. I feel great and think Tikva has helped my overall well being.
Mike E.
Mike E.
Verified Customer
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TIKVA has lowered my blood pressure , lowered my cholesterol and has increased my energy & stamina.

I don’t feel or act my age.

Verified Customer
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Hi Matt,

You have wonderful customer service! You guy’s do a wonderful job and i thank you for that!

Be Blessed,
T. Polley
T. Polley
Verified Customer
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Your customer service is awesome and so is your product.

I love Tikva!! It feels good feeling great. When I was on high pressure meds I was tired, short tempered, and not my happy out going self. The worse of all of it was the meds didn’t lower my pressure, if anything it made it worse.

I want to thank your company for everything. I can finally say I can live a quality of life and its because of you guys.*
Sandra S.
Sandra S.
Verified Customer
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I’m very happy with Tikva’s customer service, the automatic shipment program and especially with the chocolate flavor.

I’m over all happy with everything.
Brent M.
Brent M.
Verified Customer
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I am 45 years old and have been diagnosed with having high blood pressure (150 over 93). Because of my medical plan changing I have seen several different doctors, over a 2 year period, all are family practitioners. Each doctor prescribed different blood pressure medicine which I took and followed there direction. I saw no difference in my blood pressure. My biggest problem was with the side effects of each drug. Then my life changed when I started taking the Tikva formula. I have seen my blood pressure drop to 125 over 79 in 2.5 months. I no longer take blood pressure prescription medication and my doctor considers my blood pressure to be normal, I agree. Thank you.
Jack O.
Jack O.
Verified Customer
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Two months ago, despite swimming and jogging for an hour daily, my blood pressure was 187 over 98. I freaked. After using the Tikva formula for just 9 weeks now I am already down to 144/84. I know that it takes most people 3 months to get it down but I am very pleased.
Dorothy D.
Dorothy D.
Verified Customer
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I am very happy with Tikva’s customer service. I also enjoy being on the automatic shipment program, it makes things so much easier. Keep up the good work. May God Bless You!
J. Patterson
J. Patterson
Verified Customer
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I have been using the Tikva formula for 2 1/2 months and my blood pressure has dropped from about 180/100 to an average of 125/80. This decrease occurred without other medication. My doctor wanted to put me on an ace-inhibitor medication but I decided to take this product instead. I’m glad I did. I’ve just ordered another 3 months supply. Thanks for developing this.
Jane G.
Jane G.
Verified Customer
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I had to let you know what a pleasure it has been to purchase Tikva from Heart 2 Heart. I happily recommend this fine company. Not only do I love the product, but I know after having dealt with them for several months that they are so helpful whenever I have a question or place an order. They truly have a heart to help their customers and are completely trustworthy.

Thanks for being there!!
Mark R.
Mark R.
Verified Customer
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I think your customer service is excellent, and I’m very happy with it!
N. Viscuso
N. Viscuso
Verified Customer
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Within 3 months of taking Tikva, which by the way tastes great, my doctor took me off my high blood pressure medication. I had been taking medication for 15 years previously.

Tikva not only controls my high blood pressure, but has relieved my hand and joint pain, given me more energy, and is supplying me with important vitamins that I know my body is absorbing a lot more efficiently than the pills I used to take. also, you won’t find a more reliable and trustworthy company to deal with. Thanks.*
T. Thomas
T. Thomas
Verified Customer
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I started using this product about 4 years ago after my doctor put me on medication that had harsh side effects.

At that thime he stated my blood pressure was 144/89. It only took about 3 months for me to get down to 120/80! I’m now 42 and it is even better, 120/73. I also weight trained for over 20 years and this product has made me look like I did 15 years ago!
A. Strauss
A. Strauss
Verified Customer
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Just wanted to let you know I started Tikva around two and a half months ago and it has really lowered my blood pressure. My blood pressure used to be between 130/74 to 147/77 and now is between 116/66 to 127/64. I have recommended it to many friends and I think at least two of them have ordered Tikva. Thanks.
P. Fleming
P. Fleming
Verified Customer
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I’m ready to start my 3rd month on Tikva. I found you on the web when I did a search for high blood pressure and decided to try it. The product is wonderful. I have tons of energy, my blood pressure is going down and I feel very virtuous drinking such a healthy breakfast.

You start my day. *
A. Hasllinger
A. Hasllinger
Verified Customer
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I was 80 years old when my blood pressure first went above 150/85. I studied the internet for essentials to lower my pressure. I learned about Tikva. In less than 3 months it came back down to 115/75 in the morning. It has kept my cholesterol levels below 150-160.*
H. Hearron
H. Hearron
Verified Customer
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The Tikva has given me a lot of energy; I take it as my breakfast meal and don’t get hungry until lunch. My blood pressure is more stabilized since I have been on Tikva; from 150/65 to sometimes as low as 118/65. I have been able to cut the dosage of my medication to only 25mg daily. My goal is to be completely off medications.*
R. Larkin
R. Larkin
Verified Customer
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I’m 58 years old and when my blood pressure registered 160/90 my doctor wanted me to take a prescribed medication to control it. After viewing the slides on the website, I decided to try Tikva instead and purchased the 5-month supply. After only 2 months on Tikva, my blood pressure averaged 120/77. I am now beginning my 4th month on Tikva and my blood pressure continues to be under control and I feel great!!! *
Marie W.
Marie W.
Verified Customer
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Whenever I write Heart 2 Heart with questions about your products, the response is always prompt and informative. It is reassuring to know I can count on Heart 2 Heart to provide guidance when I need it. *
T. Snyder
T. Snyder
Verified Customer
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My blood pressure was 228/124. My daughter researched on line where I might be able to purchase l-arginine to attempt to bring down my blood pressure. I found the “TIKVA” site and began to take the powder as soon as it came in the mail. Within two and one half weeks of taking the powder, my blood pressure began to come down. My blood pressure now remains at 120/72! Thank you TIKVA family!!*
Verified Customer
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I choose to remain anonymous….. this is a touchy topic for me.

I’m 57 years old and am in good health and excellent physical shape. After taking Tikva, I got my sexuality back. I’ve tried so many other things, which can cause blindness. Since taking Tikva, I’m always ready to have intimate relations with my wife. Thank you, Tikva, for giving my my life back!!!!*
J. Moore
J. Moore
Verified Customer
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My wife and I have been on Tikva for seven days and we can notice a dramatic rise in our energy level, as I walked last night two miles, for I have not done that for several months. I like the fact that Tikva has the really high nutrition and won’t need all the other vitamins.*

Be blessed,
Claudette P.
Claudette P.
Verified Customer
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Hi, my name is Claudette and I’m a 52 year old African American. My blood pressure was getting to a danger zone of being too high, 167/94 and sometimes higher. After using Tikva for just two weeks my pressure went down and within three months it was 122/77.

Tikva not only helped to lower my blood pressure, but it also seems to help my aching knees and bones too. I’m glad I started using Tikva and I am getting ready to do my next order.*
B. Vernich
B. Vernich
Verified Customer
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My BP had been running about 200/100. Since I have been on Tikva for the past 3 months it has gone down. (I had a physical several weeks ago and the doctor said my BP was 135/80). Certainly, Tikva has been instrumental in bringing my BP down.*
J. Mcneely
J. Mcneely
Verified Customer
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I have been using Tikva for several months and have been amazed at the difference it has made in my overall health. When I started my blood pressure was 170/ 130. I had not even realized it was that high, but had gone into a free blood pressure screening while I was on travel.

My father had high blood pressure and struggled with many different drugs all of which seem to cause more issues with his health. Based on his experience and after lots of research, I decided to try Tikva and see if it worked. In addition to getting my blood pressure down to 130/ 90 so far, I feel like my energy level has gone way up and my overall sense of wellness has improved as well.*
N. George
N. George
Verified Customer
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I have been on Tikva for over 2 months…My blood pressure was a little high…my docotor recommended a prescription drug…at the time it was 158/98….today my pressure is 110/60….I have not started exercising yet since starting the Tikva program…I talked to your people last week and they told me to wait another month and then go to the doctor and have my blood pressure checked and my cholesterol checked…thank you for the great and speedy recovery from the high blood pressure.*

70 years young….

Goodbye Risk
100% Money Back Guarantee

We want you to be fully satisfied with your Tikva order.

if you're not completely satisfied, you may return it postmarked within 60 days for a no question refund of the product (not including shipping). Only 1 bottle of each flavor may be open for qualify.

Shop confidently knowing you can try Tikva risk-free for 60 days.

Order Your Tikva Drink Today

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1 Month Supply

Regularly $119
$99 per bottle + Free Shipping

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$79 per bottle
(3 months supply - $237)
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- Regularly $357

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$69 per bottle
(5 months supply - $345)
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- Regularly $595

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