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If you compare Tikva to any of our competitors ingredients, you will see that we have everything that they have at equal or larger amounts, plus many more beneficial ingredients, but we do not make the claims that they do. 

You may see that you feel more energy and an overall sense of well being within the first 2 weeks and some people do see results in their blood pressure and cholesterol quickly, but you did not get to where you are over night and in reality it will take some time.

As for High Blood Pressure and cholesterol here is an approximate time period (based on the experience of our thousands of customers) depending on your age.

These are typical beginning points for blood pressure:

  • Up to 50 years old – 2 1/2 – 4 months
  • Up to 60 years old – 4 – 6 months
  • Up to 70 years old – 5 – 7 months
  • Up to 80 years old – 6 – 8 months
  • Over 80 years old – 7 – 9 months

Once your blood blood pressure has come down, you can call your doctor and discuss the appropriate way to reduce or eliminate your medications.

The average beginning point for high cholesterol is around 4 1/2 – 5 months.

cholesterolIf you get a cholesterol test done prior to 5 months, it is possible that you will get a false high positive, as when they are doing these tests, they are checking to see how much plaque is in the blood at that moment. If it is stuck to the walls of your arteries, it will not show up on these tests.

Since there are several ingredients in the Tikva that are very slowly dissolving the plaque off of the arteries, more plaque shows up on the test as it is very slowly being removed from the body.

so we do not recommend getting your cholesterol tested prior to 5 months.

TIKVA HEART is made of 31 vitamins, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and superfoods.

Every batch is made in a cGMP certified facility and is tested to assure that you are not only getting the amounts of each ingredient that is listed, but that each batch is free from bacteria and heavy metals.

You may find that after you are done with your drink, there are some nutrients that did not fully mix in.

We have spoken with the manufacturer about this and their response is that the product is made in industrial size blenders and then screened down to the smallest particle size that can be blended evenly for each ingredient. 

If you are concerned about the little bit that is left over, we recommend that you add a splash more water and swish it around and drink it down.

Another option that seems to work is to make it into a smoothie. You can use our smoothie recipes at www.TikvaDrink.com/Smoothie or make up your own.

Please understand that when you take supplements in a capsule form, you are at best absorbing 5-18% of the nutrients. Since Tikva mixes into a liquid, you are absorbing 98% of the nutrients. 

So even if you do not swish around the little bit that is left, you are still getting way more than if you were to take the 18 capsules that it would take to fit one scoop of TIKVA HEART.

1 scoop of Tikva is considered a daily serving. We do not recommend that you take more than 1 scoop per day.

For the first week that you are on Tikva, we recommend that you start on half a scoop and then slowly work up to a whole scoop.

Some people will go through a detox. This happens when you add a lot of good nutrition into your system. Your body will begin to remove the toxins, which could cause diarrhea. In order to reduce the chance of this happening, we recommend starting slow.

After you work up to a whole scoop, we recommend that you take 1 scoop a day.

Some people like to split it up, so that they do half in the morning and half later in the day.

This is fine as long as you remember to take the second scoop.

Do NOT mix into hot drinks.

Tikva was initially made to help our founder to get off of his medications after he had a major heart attack. It was not initially made to be sold. So we worked with several naturopathic doctors and put all of the best ingredients we could find into one product.

Unlike most of our competitors who only address one part of the issue, we packed Tikva full of the important ingredients and we did not put anything in there at small amounts just to say it is in there.

Tikva is made up of 31 all natural, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. Compare it to our competitors and you will see that we have much more in the Tikva product than anyone else does.

The ingredients were not just formulated to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, but clinical trials on these ingredients have shown that they also, help to increase energy, increase antioxidants, replace your multivitamins, and much more.

In the long run, many of our customers have told us that they end up saving money and time, since they do not have to go to the health food store to buy these ingredients individually.

The same ingredients at a health food store would typically cost about 3x the cost of the Tikva product and one serving can be as low as $2.17 a day (which is less than a cup of coffee, but much better for you).

Since everything is in a once a day great tasting drink, your body absorbs more than it would from taking the minimum 20 pills that you would need to get the same ingredients and without the hassle of counting out pills that run out at different times.

Remember, Tikva targets all of the major issues relating to the cardiovascular system and we use substantially more of each ingredient. This is why we say we are “simply the best”.

Let’s begin by saying that there are several natural products on the market that make huge claims, have great testimonials, yet they either don’t work, or they do work, but you will need to be on them for the rest of your life to keep controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol. Though those that do work may be cheaper in the short run, they are a fortune in the long run.

So here are the basic things you should look for…

If the ingredients in the product does not dissolve the plaque in your arteries and make your arteries flexible again, then even if it works you will be taking it for the rest of your life.

If the ingredients do not control your body’s negative reaction to every day stress, then every time you get stressed out it will not keep your blood pressure down.

If the product is not loaded with high levels of antioxidants to keep new plaque from forming, while it is dissolving the old, then you will be fighting a long term losing battle. And if it is not lowering your bad LDL cholesterol and also controlling arterial blood clots, you are still at risk.

If your blood pressure reading has a high first number, or top number know as the systolic reading, you must get the film or plaque dissolved AND control how your arteries react to stress in order to control your blood pressure, without needing any drugs or natural supplements at all.

If the product you are looking at uses primarily beets, or arginine and citrulline to produce nitric oxide which dilates the arteries, and the company promotes them as being virtually all you need to control your blood pressure and cholesterol, then ask yourself why, when people take these products alone, they don’t bring down their blood pressure enough. Yes if your blood pressure is up a few points over 120 over 80 that may be all you need. But if it is higher you need more, much more!

May I suggest that you click on our benefits button to read all the years of clinical trials and other research that proves from independent sources that the ingredients in Tikva really do ALL of these things.

You may ask why our product costs more than the others and do I ned to keep taking it forever. And that is a valid question. It is all about what you want the end result to be. If you are looking for the root problem to be resolved so you won’t need to take drugs or any natural products including ours for the rest of your life, then you have come to the right website. Our product which takes about 3 months depending on your age to start to work, may not lower your blood pressure as quickly as some of our cheaper competitors, but because of all the things it is doing to get to the root of the problem, you won’t need to keep buying it forever either.

Let me prove that by using my own history to explain…

After being on those 7 drugs for about a year and being told by 2 cardiology groups that I must have a multiple bypass, I decided to look up every human clinical trial on natural ingredients that I could find and see not only which ones REALLY work, but exactly how MUCH of each nutrient was needed to accomplish a lowering of blood pressure, dissolving of the plaque, and lowering of cholesterol that is a genetic problem that runs deep in my family. This was tedious work and took months. But with the help of doctors and formulators and the vast resources of information available online from the Life Extension Foundation and other professionals we formulated a drink with over 30 natural ingredients in it. And ALL of the ingredients are at full therapeutic strength. Which means if the clinical trial said it takes 800 milligrams of a nutrient to get the job done, that is how much of that ingredient is in every serving of Tikva.

Well within one week of starting the drink my awful angina chest pains went away and I had much much more energy. But over the next 2½ months, nothing else seemed to be improving. However, the research was clear that these nutrients were not going to work quickly as you don’t get into these problems overnight and you can’t reverse them overnight.

116 over 68I could go on and on but here is the bottom line. By the end of 4 months my blood pressure, which had been between 145-165 over 90-100 even WITH all the drugs, was now down to an average of 116 over 68 and my doctor weaned me off all of those drugs. But my cholesterol, which was about 265 WITH the statin drugs, was now up to 325. Fortunately I knew why, and as crazy as this sounds, this was very encouraging. You see one of the most important things that the formula was supposed to do was to slowly dissolve the film of cholesterol and plaque off the walls of my arteries. Well it was. And since they dissolve into your blood as they leave your body, it is normal to have a false high as you not only have all of your normal cholesterol in your blood when your blood is drawn, but you also have the added cholesterol that used to be stuck on your artery walls too. Again to make a long story short, by the end of 6 months my cholesterol was down to 165. Now it is over 10 years after the heart attack and strokes. I never had the bypass and I still don’t take those drugs anymore.

Now here is the proof that you don’t need to be on our product Tikva forever. After 2 years of taking it I was suddenly very sick and found out I had Acute Mylogenous Leukemia. I was given 2 weeks to live. This was a result of having my hands in benzene every day for 4 years when I was a boat builder back in my early 20’s. The Moffitt Cancer Center refused to start the chemo because of my previous heart attack and strokes since the chemo they needed to use was extremely cardio toxic. So they sent me to my cardiologists who went in through my groin again to look inside my arteries. He was flabbergasted as just 2 years earlier I was loaded with plaque and now I was much much better. And my heart was stronger too. He even remarked that if he didn’t know I had the heart attack, he wouldn’t have been able to tell.

So anyway over the next 7 years I was on chemo for 2 years and then had a bone marrow transplant and on literally dozens of awful drugs. During that time I was not allowed to take the Tikva as the docs didn’t know if it would interfere with their drugs, yet my blood pressure stayed down for all 7 years except when a particular drug induced the high blood pressure. So I can tell you not just from my own experience but from our thousands of customers that Tikva works wonderfully and resolves the issues for the long term. Simply put I take no blood pressure meds, have been off of Tikva for over 7 years and my blood pressure is still below 120 over 80!

Every batch of Tikva is inspected by an independent lab to verify that every ingredient is not only in there in the right amount but also for purity. This is an expensive process but one we feel is critical to assure you and ourselves that what we represent to be true, is true and accurate.

Unlike vitamin mills that mass produce product that sits on store shelves for who knows how long, we make much smaller batches with the goal of assuring that the product you order was manufactured very close to when you order it.

Remember that the Tikva product was originally formulated for one of our founders, Don Goldstein, to help with his own cardiovascular disease. His main interest was to stop taking a handful of nutritional supplements, plus the 7 drugs he was using to control his high blood pressure, high cholesterol and angina pains.

We only chose and continue to use the highest quality ingredients. Remember, this product was not initially made to be sold, but to help Don personally. After seeing positive results, and Don being able to be weened off of all 7 medications starting at just 4 months, other family and friends, started taking the product and also had great results. This is when we realized that this product could really help many people.

Our research for the highest quality ingredients and the amounts needed to have them actually work was guided by two independent doctors. Further resources included the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for Nutritional Supplements, Disease Prevention and Treatment, The Cardiovascular Cure, The Arginine Solution, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Life Extension, Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs and Nutritional Supplements and many others.

Once the formula was complete, we chose a manufacturing facility experienced with powders that mix into water for maximum absorption. Our manufacturer is FDA registered, licensed with the State Health and Sanitation Department, and follows the highest industry standard (cGMP’s).

If you are on blood pressure medications it is crucial that you read this section.

Many of our competitors use natural ingredients that may be effective in lowering your blood pressure or your cholesterorl, but they do not tell you any of the cautions that go along with these ingredients. We as a company have chosen not to use these specific ingredients because they do not mix into water or the risk to you may be too great, especially if you are on specific cardiovascular drugs.


While hawthorn is very powerful and generally considered safe to use, there are also some strong precautions that need to be considered. In short, if you are taking hypertensives, beta blockers, ace inhibitors, nitroglycerine, sildenafil citrate (Viagra and others like it) you will need to adjust these medications, sometimes drastically. Unfortunately, most people who go to their doctor to make these adjustments find that their doctors are ignorant about drug/herb interactions and will not know what to do. Since a large percentage of our customers are already on medications, we consider it best to allow them to buy hawthorn separately if they want to. Here are the cautions and drug interactions for hawthorn as listed on Whole Health MD: General Interaction
  • If you take prescription heart medications, consult your doctor before taking hawthorn. Dosages of prescription medications may need to be lowered or altered in some other way when taken along with hawthorn. Never stop taking a prescription heart medication (or alter the dosage) without consulting your doctor.
  • The effect of the following classes of drugs may be dangerously increased by hawthorn: antihypertensive; calcium channel blockers (including amlodipine, diltiazem, verapamil); beta blockers (including atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol); ACE inhibitors (including benazepril, enalapril, fosinopril); digitalis drugs and cardiac glycosides (including digitoxin, digoxin); and nitrates (including amyl nitrate, nitroglycerin, sildenafil citrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and dinitrate)


  • Because of hawthorn’s strength and its effects on such a vital organ as the heart, consult your doctor before taking this herb. It’s best not to take it if you already have low blood pressure. And don’t expect hawthorn to help stop an acute attack of angina; it isn’t capable of doing this.
  • Hawthorn is generally recognized as safe, although such side effects as nausea, sweating, fatigue, and rashes do develop on occasion. The herb can also drastically lower blood pressure and cause such symptoms as dizziness and fainting, even in people who have normal blood pressure and do not suffer from heart disease. Stop taking hawthorn and consult your doctor if any of these reactions occur.



If you take a medication to control high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have a kidney disorder, never take potassium supplements without medical supervision. Consuming potassium-rich foods is fine. Scientists have long known that potassium helps maintain blood pressure. According to the latest studies, people who regularly consume high-potassium foods, such as bananas, avocados, and yogurt, have lower blood pressure than those who don’t, however most people get enough in their diet.

Definitely avoid potassium supplements if you take drugs known as potassium-sparing diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs – such as Aspirin, ibuprophen, Aleve, etc.), beta-blockers, or an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure or Angina.

Because of the risk of various complications, consult your doctor before combining a digitalis drug (cardiac glycoside) with supplemental potassium.

Since many of our customers are on the drugs listed above, we do not include potassium in Tikva. The risks of taking potassium in supplement form are many and require a doctors supervision. It would be wise to read this information from WholeHealthMD – Click Here

Vitamin K

While Vitamin K2 “MK-7” would be a valuable addition to our product. We are unable to put enough of it into the formula to be beneficial and to keep our product affordable. Research shows in order to make a real difference, you need to take over 1,000 mcg daily.

Some of our competitors put in just enough of an ingredient to say that it is in there. We do not believe this is how things should be done.

We really searched hard for a source of Vitamin K2 “MK-7” that was affordable. The result was that we recently added it to our additional products on this website for those who want it.

Grape Skin Extract

As a dietary supplement, grape seed extract which is in Tikva is a very popular choice as it provides more benefits than grape skin extract. In addition to containing excellent levels of resveratrol, grape seed extract boasts flavonoids and other beneficial ingredients which help improve platelet function and provides a host of other benefits.

72 Trace Minerals

Any kind of seafood and fish contains all 72 trace minerals. Some of the trace minerals exist in our soil thus in our vegetables. It is rare for Americans to be deficient in this area.


Biotin deficiency is almost unheard of; the only people who seem to be deficient are those on long-term anticonvulsant drugs (for seizures) or antibiotics over the long term, those that eat RAW egg whites regularly, and people in the hospital who get their nutrition through an IV. Cooked egg whites don’t cause any problems, since the part of the raw egg white that binds up the biotin is inactivated when the egg is cooked.

The government doesn’t even have a Recommended Daily Allowance set up for biotin, since we need so little of it and problems are so rare. Instead, they publish an “Adequate Intake, (AI)” which means that officials are fairly sure that the posted amount is going to be enough to cover nearly everyone’s nutrition needs. The AI for biotin is only 30 micrograms a day.

People generally don’t have any issue getting enough Biotin in their diets. It can be found in cheese, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, carrots, almonds, eggs, onions, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, goat’s milk, cow’s milk, raspberries, strawberries, halibut, oats, and walnuts.

If you’re eating, you’re getting enough. Those few people who have medical conditions that put them at risk of biotin deficiency will already be getting supplementation as part of their treatments, so unless you regularly consume raw egg whites you’re clear.

You really don’t need to worry so we didn’t want to include it and increase the cost of Tikva.


D-Ribose is not in Tikva because, for it to have any meaningful benefit, you need several thousand milligrams. This would make Tikva unaffordable. We refuse to add an ingredient just to say “it’s in there” for sales and marketing purposes.


While sucralose (Splenda) is definately a very sweet no calorie sweetner, the down sides are well described on these two websites.

http://www.splendaexposed.com/ http://www.holisticmed.com/splenda/

Ginkgo Biloba

While Ginkgo Biloba certainly has memory benefits, those with cardiovascular issues should be aware of these cautions from the National Institutes of Health

Do NOT take these drugs and Ginkgo together without being monitored by your doctor:

Ibuprofen, aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diuretic drugs and blood thinners such as Hydrochlorothiazide, dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, indomethacin (Indocin), ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), and others. In addition taking ginkgo with omeprazole (Prilosec) might decrease how well omeprazole (Prilosec) works.

Diabetes: Ginkgo might interfere with the management of diabetes. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely.

Seizures: There is a concern that ginkgo might cause seizures. If you have ever had a seizure, don’t use ginkgo.


The American medical journals clearly chronicle case studies involving severe side effects from chronic ginseng users. Ginseng should not be used uninterruptedly for long periods of time. It is recommended that ginseng be taken for two months and then stopped for a full month, before it can be resumed again. This is not acceptable when it is part of a formula that needs to be taken daily.

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) states that ginseng should not be taken by people with hypertension (high blood pressure) since it is likely that ginseng can have variable effects on blood pressure. Some patients experience hypertension and some experience hypotension.

Also, in patients with congestive heart failure, ginseng is known to react with digoxin, and exacerbate its effects.

In addition, ginseng is likely to interact with Coumadin, an anticoagulation drug. This caution should be clearly noted!

Red Yeast Rice


The active ingredient that makes red yeast rice effective is lovastatin, which is a generic statin drug for cholesterol. Red yeast rice can be potentially dangerous because there is no way for you to know what level or quality of lovastatin might be in it. Lovastatin can interact with other medications you may take and harm your health. In addition, lovastatin can cause severe muscle problems and liver damage. We feel there are safer alternatives.


The evidence that this ingredient lowers blood pressure is weak at best and so we did not feel it was beneficial enough to add to the cost of Tikva. Also because it is a liquid it would make Tikva hard to drink.

Red Wine Extract

We use 95% OPC Grape Seed Extract instead. OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) Grape Seed Extract is a set of bioflavonoid complexes (polyphenols and flavonoids) that perform as free radical scavengers in the human body. OPC bioflavonoids were first noticed in the laboratory because they have the uncanny ability to strengthen blood vessel walls within hours after taking them. Our OPC Grape Seed Extract is naturally extracted, so there are NO chemical or solvent residues and is a 120 seed per milligram extract (120:1), which is the highest in the industry, containing a full 95% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs).

Lemon Balm Extract

While lemon balm is good for you, we couldn’t add it to Tikva because it tastes so awful. We simply couldn’t sufficiently camouflage it with our natural sweeteners and flavorings.

Folate (Folic Acid)

Results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest dietary folate intake may be positively associated with postmenopausal breast cancer.

Unfortunately there is so much controversy surrounding Folic acid and breast cancer, that we chose to eliminate it and substitute the more potent ingredient TMG in its place.


The only reason that garlic is not in our product is because no matter how much you deoderize it, as soon as you put it in water, it immediately smells and tastes like garlic. Obviously you wouldn’t want to go around smelling like garlic all day.

Depending on your age and health level, it will take a longer amount of time for the ingredients in Tikva to begin to work.

If you give these ingredients the right amount of time to work as thousands of others have done, your chances of it working are very high.

These are average beginning points depending on your age:

  • Up to 50 years old – 2 1/2 – 4 months
  • Up to 60 years old – 4 – 6 months
  • Up to 70 years old – 5 – 7 months
  • Up to 80 years old – 6 – 8 months
  • Over 80 years old – 7 – 9 months

However, there is one specific nutrient that is not in the formula and that is the Omega 3 fish oils which you should also be taking every day. We couldn’t include it in the formula because oil and water don’t mix, and the fish oil would oxidize and go bad since it is not sealed in an airtight gelcap.

You can find Omega 3’s at any health food store or in the vitamin aisle.

One of the advantages of Tikva’s formulation is just how complete it is. Since so many nutritional supplements are already in Tikva, many of our customers actually save money because they can stop taking most of their other individual supplements.

However, Tikva is not a complete replacement for every nutritional need of your body. We especially encourage you to supplement with the Omega 3 fish oils. We would have put them into the Tikva but fish oils don’t mix into water and they would oxidize and go bad since they are not in an airtight gel cap.

Tikva comes in a 3 great tasting flavors.

Sweet Raspberry, Mango Fusion and Chocolate

Sweet Raspberry and Mango Fusion are customers favorites

It mixes fine into room temperature or warm water.

If you mix it into a colder beverage, you will need to use a blender or magic bullet, etc…

While you are doing that you can always add, banana, strawberries, blueberries or anything else you like to change up the flavor.

You can download our great smoothie recipes at www.TikvaDrink.com/Smoothie


It mixes fine into room temperature or warm water, but most people prefer it in a colder liquid, such as: water, milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc. (My favorite is chocolate almond milk – to me this makes it taste really good)

If you mix it into a colder beverage, you will need to use a blender or magic bullet, etc…

While you are doing that you can always add, banana, strawberries, blueberries or anything else you like to change up the flavor.

Do NOT mix into hot drinks.

Tikva is a powerful formula. Just because it is natural, don’t think that the ingredients aren’t strong enough to affect your bodily functions. They need to be to optimize your health.

Therefore, consult with your doctor if you are taking:

vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, Viagra™, or Levitra , etc.), taking strong anticoagulants (such as warfarin, Coumadin , or heparin, etc.), are diabetic, suffer from kidney problems, liver disorder, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or genital herpes.

Do not take this product if:

You are pregnant, lactating, have brain or ocular herpes, Wilson’s disease, are a hemophiliac, or are under 23 years of age.

Do not take Tikva with L-lysine. The L-arginine and the L-lysine compete with each other.

Special Note: Discontinue use of Tikva 2 weeks prior to surgery as this product contains natural blood thinning ingredients.

Tikva is a powerful formula. Just because it is natural, don’t think that the ingredients aren’t strong enough to affect your bodily functions. They need to be to optimize your health.

Therefore, consult with your doctor if you are taking:

vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, Viagra™, or Levitra , etc.), taking strong anticoagulants (such as warfarin, Coumadin , or heparin, etc.), are diabetic, suffer from kidney problems, liver disorder, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, genital herpes or if you have had shingles.

Do not take this product if:

You are pregnant, lactating, have brain or ocular herpes, Wilson’s disease, are a hemophiliac, or are under 23 years of age.

Do not take Tikva with L-lysine. The L-arginine and the L-lysine compete with each other. If you have had shingles or herpes, you can take 500 mg of l-lysine 2 hours after Tikva and this will help to prevent an outbreak.

Special Note: Discontinue use of Tikva 2 weeks prior to surgery as this product contains natural blood thinning ingredients.

Absolutely NOT! Advise your doctor that you are taking Tikva.

When you see that your numbers are down and have stayed that way for a while, you can then go back to your doctor and discuss the best way to reduce or eliminate your medications with their approval.

There is a lot of concern with calcium build up in the arteries, since more and more doctors are doing calcium checks now. Please read this article to get a better understanding. http://www.berkeleywellness.com/…/…/calcium-supplement-risks




Over time, as you are monitored by your doctor he/she may be able to reduce your drug intake, or maybe even wean you off of them altogether. The time frame for this to happen is different for everyone because no two people are alike.


Most people do not experience any side effects. However, men with erectile dysfunction (due to poor circulation) frequently see this issue resolve itself in a matter of a few months and never seem to complain about this “side effect”.


Depending upon your diet previous to starting on Tikva, you may experience temporary detoxification which is good for you. If you are not familiar with what detoxification is, here is a brief description. The cells in your body absorb whatever levels of nutrition you are feeding them. Fortunately, your cells are “smart” and if a higher level of nutrition suddenly comes into your blood stream from your food or drink, your cells will immediately absorb the higher level nutrients and “spit out” the inferior nutrients and toxins. Since Tikva is loaded with only high level nutrients that are in liquid form, the absorption into your cells is fast and dramatic. Therefore, if your body “spits out” too many of the inferior nutrients into your blood stream too quickly, you may experience a temporary “detox” which could come out of you as diarrhea, or gas.

Again, detox with these side effects does NOT happen to most people, it is temporary, and is actually a great sign that you are increasing the health of your cells all the way to their core. If this happens to you simply back down to a half a scoop daily for a few days to let your system adjust more slowly. Drinking extra water is always a good idea too.

Two years if not opened.

Do NOT REFRIGERATE but store in a cool dry place.

Seal the container tightly each time as Tikva absorbs moisture out of the air very quickly. If this happens and it starts to cake up, simply break it back up and use it with full confidence that it will be just as effective and is not ruined in any way.

Each container of Tikva lasts for 30 days.

We should caution you not to assume that our competitors bottles represent a full months supply as many of them say 1 month supply, but then they recommend that you take twice the amount for the product to have its full effect.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Up to 365 Days on your 1st order

The more you purchase the longer the guarantee!

1 Bottle = 30 Days
3 Bottles = 90 Days
6 Bottles = 365 Days

Why? Because we know that when people make a 6 month commitment to Tikva the success rate goes way up. We are so confident that if you use Tikva for 6 months that you will love it, that we have doubled the length of the guarantee on the 6 month supply, giving you a full year to get a full 100% of your money back.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or dis-approve of any kind of dietary supplemets, such as Tikva, since it is not within their jurisdiction. The FDA only approves or dis-approves of pharmaceutical drugs, which Tikva is not.

Tikva is made in a FDA approved facility, but this product being natural, is not under their jurisdiction. Tikva is manufactured up to cGMP certification (current good manufacturing processes) which is the highest standard for nutritional products. Tikva is Eurofins Certified which is one of the few certifications accepted by Amazon and it is 3rd party tested by an ISO Accredited Lab.

The results that our customers have gotten has been nothing short of amazing. Referrals and re-orders are the backbone of our business which is how it should be.

When you have several ingredients working together to affect the same problem (synergy) you do not always need as much of each ingredient to get the job done. This is where our professional formulators come in.

The best way to get any nutrient is naturally from your food. Since this is not always possible, this is where supplementation comes in. But remember the majority of your nutrition still comes from what you eat.

The one thing that really burns us up is dishonesty. Failure to disclose information is a sin by omission. Simply saying to “consult with your doctor” before taking a product that has the potential to negatively affect people with specific medical conditions, is playing with people’s health. In our opinion that is a sorry misuse of the public’s trust and is an unacceptable tactic designed to make more sales.


Let’s look at just one ingredient that many of our competitors use but do not post appropriate warnings about; Hawthorn.

Here are the cautions and drug interactions for hawthorn as listed on Whole Health MD:

General Interaction

If you take prescription heart medications, consult your doctor before taking this herb. Dosages of prescription medications may need to be lowered or altered in some other way when taken along with hawthorn. Never stop taking a prescription heart medication (or alter the dosage) without consulting your doctor.

The effect of the following classes of drugs may be dangerously increased by hawthorn: antihypertensives; calcium channel blockers (including amlodipine, diltiazem, verapamil); beta blockers (including atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol); ACE inhibitors (including benazepril, enalapril, fosinopril); digitalis drugs and cardiac glycosides (including digitoxin, digoxin); and nitrates (including amyl nitrate, nitroglycerin, sildenafil citrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and dinitrate).


Because of hawthorn’s strength and its effects on such a vital organ as the heart, consult your doctor before taking this herb. It’s best not to take it if you already have low blood pressure. And don’t expect hawthorn to help stop an acute attack of angina; it isn’t capable of doing this.

Hawthorn is generally recognized as safe, although such side effects as nausea, sweating, fatigue, and rashes do develop on occasion. The herb can also drastically lower blood pressure and cause such symptoms as dizziness and fainting, even in people who have normal blood pressure and do not suffer from heart disease. Stop taking hawthorn and consult your doctor if any of these reactions occur.

While being able to lower your doses of medications is a good thing, it is irresponsible not to let you know that your blood pressure could drop too low if you don’t monitor and possibly adjust your medication dosages with your doctors help.

The warnings on the Tikva bag are simply factual. We have searched out any possible drug interactions and disease precautions and disclosed them prominently.

Privacy Policy: Heart 2 Heart of America does not sell or knowingly transmit information to other sources. Any email inquires or information collected from this website will be used solely for communication purposes and will not be sold to any third parties.

For your security and peace of mind, our shopping cart is Hacker Safe and features secure HTTPS/SSL encryption. It was among the first to be fully certified by Visa.

Heart 2 Heart of America, the exclusive maker of Tikva began distribution in September 2003 and we now have thousands of satisfied users worldwide.

We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

This is a copy of the most recent report from the BBB.

Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the BBB. To have a Satisfactory Record with the BBB, a company must be in business for at least 12 months, properly and promptly address matters referred to it by the BBB, and be free from an unusual volume or pattern of complaints and law enforcement action involving its marketplace conduct. In addition, the BBB must have a clear understanding of the company’s business and no concerns about its industry.

Heart 2 Heart of America is the sole distributor of Tikva. Our entire operation is streamlined so we can keep the cost to you as low as possible. If we put the product in health food stores, doctors offices or had distributors, they would have to mark up the price in order for them to make a profit.

Interestingly enough, you would think that the health food stores would love to carry this product. However, they made it very clear that if they sold Tikva at the same prices as we do online, they would lose money. How is this possible? Because they already sell all of the ingredients in Tikva in individual bottles and make much more money that way.

Yes. We use low glycemic ingredients and no added sugars.

We do have a caution if you are on insulin, as you may need to change your insulin levels and this should be done with a doctors supervision.

No, the ingredients in Tikva have not been approved for those that are pregnant or lactating.

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Frequently Asked Questions We've Got All The Answers

Got a question that you need answered immediately? If your question isn't answered, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're ready to help.

If you have a question that is not answered below, please call us at 813-661-8583, so we can help you.

If you compare Tikva to any of our competitors ingredients, you will see that we have everything that they have at equal or larger amounts, plus many more beneficial ingredients, but we do not make the claims that they do. 

You may see that you feel more energy and an overall sense of well being within the first 2 weeks and some people do see results in their blood pressure and cholesterol quickly, but you did not get to where you are over night and in reality it will take some time.

As for High Blood Pressure and cholesterol here is an approximate time period (based on the experience of our thousands of customers) depending on your age.

These are typical beginning points for blood pressure:

  • Up to 50 years old – 2 1/2 – 4 months
  • Up to 60 years old – 4 – 6 months
  • Up to 70 years old – 5 – 7 months
  • Up to 80 years old – 6 – 8 months
  • Over 80 years old – 7 – 9 months

Once your blood blood pressure has come down, you can call your doctor and discuss the appropriate way to reduce or eliminate your medications.

The average beginning point for high cholesterol is around 4 1/2 – 5 months.

cholesterolIf you get a cholesterol test done prior to 5 months, it is possible that you will get a false high positive, as when they are doing these tests, they are checking to see how much plaque is in the blood at that moment. If it is stuck to the walls of your arteries, it will not show up on these tests.

Since there are several ingredients in the Tikva that are very slowly dissolving the plaque off of the arteries, more plaque shows up on the test as it is very slowly being removed from the body.

so we do not recommend getting your cholesterol tested prior to 5 months.

TIKVA HEART is made of 31 vitamins, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and superfoods.

Every batch is made in a cGMP certified facility and is tested to assure that you are not only getting the amounts of each ingredient that is listed, but that each batch is free from bacteria and heavy metals.

You may find that after you are done with your drink, there are some nutrients that did not fully mix in.

We have spoken with the manufacturer about this and their response is that the product is made in industrial size blenders and then screened down to the smallest particle size that can be blended evenly for each ingredient. 

If you are concerned about the little bit that is left over, we recommend that you add a splash more water and swish it around and drink it down.

Another option that seems to work is to make it into a smoothie. You can use our smoothie recipes at www.TikvaDrink.com/Smoothie or make up your own.

Please understand that when you take supplements in a capsule form, you are at best absorbing 5-18% of the nutrients. Since Tikva mixes into a liquid, you are absorbing 98% of the nutrients. 

So even if you do not swish around the little bit that is left, you are still getting way more than if you were to take the 18 capsules that it would take to fit one scoop of TIKVA HEART.

1 scoop of Tikva is considered a daily serving. We do not recommend that you take more than 1 scoop per day.

For the first week that you are on Tikva, we recommend that you start on half a scoop and then slowly work up to a whole scoop.

Some people will go through a detox. This happens when you add a lot of good nutrition into your system. Your body will begin to remove the toxins, which could cause diarrhea. In order to reduce the chance of this happening, we recommend starting slow.

After you work up to a whole scoop, we recommend that you take 1 scoop a day.

Some people like to split it up, so that they do half in the morning and half later in the day.

This is fine as long as you remember to take the second scoop.

Do NOT mix into hot drinks.

Tikva was initially made to help our founder to get off of his medications after he had a major heart attack. It was not initially made to be sold. So we worked with several naturopathic doctors and put all of the best ingredients we could find into one product.

Unlike most of our competitors who only address one part of the issue, we packed Tikva full of the important ingredients and we did not put anything in there at small amounts just to say it is in there.

Tikva is made up of 31 all natural, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. Compare it to our competitors and you will see that we have much more in the Tikva product than anyone else does.

The ingredients were not just formulated to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, but clinical trials on these ingredients have shown that they also, help to increase energy, increase antioxidants, replace your multivitamins, and much more.

In the long run, many of our customers have told us that they end up saving money and time, since they do not have to go to the health food store to buy these ingredients individually.

The same ingredients at a health food store would typically cost about 3x the cost of the Tikva product and one serving can be as low as $2.17 a day (which is less than a cup of coffee, but much better for you).

Since everything is in a once a day great tasting drink, your body absorbs more than it would from taking the minimum 20 pills that you would need to get the same ingredients and without the hassle of counting out pills that run out at different times.

Remember, Tikva targets all of the major issues relating to the cardiovascular system and we use substantially more of each ingredient. This is why we say we are “simply the best”.

Let’s begin by saying that there are several natural products on the market that make huge claims, have great testimonials, yet they either don’t work, or they do work, but you will need to be on them for the rest of your life to keep controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol. Though those that do work may be cheaper in the short run, they are a fortune in the long run.

So here are the basic things you should look for…

If the ingredients in the product does not dissolve the plaque in your arteries and make your arteries flexible again, then even if it works you will be taking it for the rest of your life.

If the ingredients do not control your body’s negative reaction to every day stress, then every time you get stressed out it will not keep your blood pressure down.

If the product is not loaded with high levels of antioxidants to keep new plaque from forming, while it is dissolving the old, then you will be fighting a long term losing battle. And if it is not lowering your bad LDL cholesterol and also controlling arterial blood clots, you are still at risk.

If your blood pressure reading has a high first number, or top number know as the systolic reading, you must get the film or plaque dissolved AND control how your arteries react to stress in order to control your blood pressure, without needing any drugs or natural supplements at all.

If the product you are looking at uses primarily beets, or arginine and citrulline to produce nitric oxide which dilates the arteries, and the company promotes them as being virtually all you need to control your blood pressure and cholesterol, then ask yourself why, when people take these products alone, they don’t bring down their blood pressure enough. Yes if your blood pressure is up a few points over 120 over 80 that may be all you need. But if it is higher you need more, much more!

May I suggest that you click on our benefits button to read all the years of clinical trials and other research that proves from independent sources that the ingredients in Tikva really do ALL of these things.

You may ask why our product costs more than the others and do I ned to keep taking it forever. And that is a valid question. It is all about what you want the end result to be. If you are looking for the root problem to be resolved so you won’t need to take drugs or any natural products including ours for the rest of your life, then you have come to the right website. Our product which takes about 3 months depending on your age to start to work, may not lower your blood pressure as quickly as some of our cheaper competitors, but because of all the things it is doing to get to the root of the problem, you won’t need to keep buying it forever either.

Let me prove that by using my own history to explain…

After being on those 7 drugs for about a year and being told by 2 cardiology groups that I must have a multiple bypass, I decided to look up every human clinical trial on natural ingredients that I could find and see not only which ones REALLY work, but exactly how MUCH of each nutrient was needed to accomplish a lowering of blood pressure, dissolving of the plaque, and lowering of cholesterol that is a genetic problem that runs deep in my family. This was tedious work and took months. But with the help of doctors and formulators and the vast resources of information available online from the Life Extension Foundation and other professionals we formulated a drink with over 30 natural ingredients in it. And ALL of the ingredients are at full therapeutic strength. Which means if the clinical trial said it takes 800 milligrams of a nutrient to get the job done, that is how much of that ingredient is in every serving of Tikva.

Well within one week of starting the drink my awful angina chest pains went away and I had much much more energy. But over the next 2½ months, nothing else seemed to be improving. However, the research was clear that these nutrients were not going to work quickly as you don’t get into these problems overnight and you can’t reverse them overnight.

116 over 68I could go on and on but here is the bottom line. By the end of 4 months my blood pressure, which had been between 145-165 over 90-100 even WITH all the drugs, was now down to an average of 116 over 68 and my doctor weaned me off all of those drugs. But my cholesterol, which was about 265 WITH the statin drugs, was now up to 325. Fortunately I knew why, and as crazy as this sounds, this was very encouraging. You see one of the most important things that the formula was supposed to do was to slowly dissolve the film of cholesterol and plaque off the walls of my arteries. Well it was. And since they dissolve into your blood as they leave your body, it is normal to have a false high as you not only have all of your normal cholesterol in your blood when your blood is drawn, but you also have the added cholesterol that used to be stuck on your artery walls too. Again to make a long story short, by the end of 6 months my cholesterol was down to 165. Now it is over 10 years after the heart attack and strokes. I never had the bypass and I still don’t take those drugs anymore.

Now here is the proof that you don’t need to be on our product Tikva forever. After 2 years of taking it I was suddenly very sick and found out I had Acute Mylogenous Leukemia. I was given 2 weeks to live. This was a result of having my hands in benzene every day for 4 years when I was a boat builder back in my early 20’s. The Moffitt Cancer Center refused to start the chemo because of my previous heart attack and strokes since the chemo they needed to use was extremely cardio toxic. So they sent me to my cardiologists who went in through my groin again to look inside my arteries. He was flabbergasted as just 2 years earlier I was loaded with plaque and now I was much much better. And my heart was stronger too. He even remarked that if he didn’t know I had the heart attack, he wouldn’t have been able to tell.

So anyway over the next 7 years I was on chemo for 2 years and then had a bone marrow transplant and on literally dozens of awful drugs. During that time I was not allowed to take the Tikva as the docs didn’t know if it would interfere with their drugs, yet my blood pressure stayed down for all 7 years except when a particular drug induced the high blood pressure. So I can tell you not just from my own experience but from our thousands of customers that Tikva works wonderfully and resolves the issues for the long term. Simply put I take no blood pressure meds, have been off of Tikva for over 7 years and my blood pressure is still below 120 over 80!

Every batch of Tikva is inspected by an independent lab to verify that every ingredient is not only in there in the right amount but also for purity. This is an expensive process but one we feel is critical to assure you and ourselves that what we represent to be true, is true and accurate.

Unlike vitamin mills that mass produce product that sits on store shelves for who knows how long, we make much smaller batches with the goal of assuring that the product you order was manufactured very close to when you order it.

Remember that the Tikva product was originally formulated for one of our founders, Don Goldstein, to help with his own cardiovascular disease. His main interest was to stop taking a handful of nutritional supplements, plus the 7 drugs he was using to control his high blood pressure, high cholesterol and angina pains.

We only chose and continue to use the highest quality ingredients. Remember, this product was not initially made to be sold, but to help Don personally. After seeing positive results, and Don being able to be weened off of all 7 medications starting at just 4 months, other family and friends, started taking the product and also had great results. This is when we realized that this product could really help many people.

Our research for the highest quality ingredients and the amounts needed to have them actually work was guided by two independent doctors. Further resources included the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for Nutritional Supplements, Disease Prevention and Treatment, The Cardiovascular Cure, The Arginine Solution, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Life Extension, Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs and Nutritional Supplements and many others.

Once the formula was complete, we chose a manufacturing facility experienced with powders that mix into water for maximum absorption. Our manufacturer is FDA registered, licensed with the State Health and Sanitation Department, and follows the highest industry standard (cGMP’s).

If you are on blood pressure medications it is crucial that you read this section.

Many of our competitors use natural ingredients that may be effective in lowering your blood pressure or your cholesterorl, but they do not tell you any of the cautions that go along with these ingredients. We as a company have chosen not to use these specific ingredients because they do not mix into water or the risk to you may be too great, especially if you are on specific cardiovascular drugs.


While hawthorn is very powerful and generally considered safe to use, there are also some strong precautions that need to be considered. In short, if you are taking hypertensives, beta blockers, ace inhibitors, nitroglycerine, sildenafil citrate (Viagra and others like it) you will need to adjust these medications, sometimes drastically. Unfortunately, most people who go to their doctor to make these adjustments find that their doctors are ignorant about drug/herb interactions and will not know what to do. Since a large percentage of our customers are already on medications, we consider it best to allow them to buy hawthorn separately if they want to. Here are the cautions and drug interactions for hawthorn as listed on Whole Health MD: General Interaction
  • If you take prescription heart medications, consult your doctor before taking hawthorn. Dosages of prescription medications may need to be lowered or altered in some other way when taken along with hawthorn. Never stop taking a prescription heart medication (or alter the dosage) without consulting your doctor.
  • The effect of the following classes of drugs may be dangerously increased by hawthorn: antihypertensive; calcium channel blockers (including amlodipine, diltiazem, verapamil); beta blockers (including atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol); ACE inhibitors (including benazepril, enalapril, fosinopril); digitalis drugs and cardiac glycosides (including digitoxin, digoxin); and nitrates (including amyl nitrate, nitroglycerin, sildenafil citrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and dinitrate)


  • Because of hawthorn’s strength and its effects on such a vital organ as the heart, consult your doctor before taking this herb. It’s best not to take it if you already have low blood pressure. And don’t expect hawthorn to help stop an acute attack of angina; it isn’t capable of doing this.
  • Hawthorn is generally recognized as safe, although such side effects as nausea, sweating, fatigue, and rashes do develop on occasion. The herb can also drastically lower blood pressure and cause such symptoms as dizziness and fainting, even in people who have normal blood pressure and do not suffer from heart disease. Stop taking hawthorn and consult your doctor if any of these reactions occur.



If you take a medication to control high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have a kidney disorder, never take potassium supplements without medical supervision. Consuming potassium-rich foods is fine. Scientists have long known that potassium helps maintain blood pressure. According to the latest studies, people who regularly consume high-potassium foods, such as bananas, avocados, and yogurt, have lower blood pressure than those who don’t, however most people get enough in their diet.

Definitely avoid potassium supplements if you take drugs known as potassium-sparing diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs – such as Aspirin, ibuprophen, Aleve, etc.), beta-blockers, or an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure or Angina.

Because of the risk of various complications, consult your doctor before combining a digitalis drug (cardiac glycoside) with supplemental potassium.

Since many of our customers are on the drugs listed above, we do not include potassium in Tikva. The risks of taking potassium in supplement form are many and require a doctors supervision. It would be wise to read this information from WholeHealthMD – Click Here

Vitamin K

While Vitamin K2 “MK-7” would be a valuable addition to our product. We are unable to put enough of it into the formula to be beneficial and to keep our product affordable. Research shows in order to make a real difference, you need to take over 1,000 mcg daily.

Some of our competitors put in just enough of an ingredient to say that it is in there. We do not believe this is how things should be done.

We really searched hard for a source of Vitamin K2 “MK-7” that was affordable. The result was that we recently added it to our additional products on this website for those who want it.

Grape Skin Extract

As a dietary supplement, grape seed extract which is in Tikva is a very popular choice as it provides more benefits than grape skin extract. In addition to containing excellent levels of resveratrol, grape seed extract boasts flavonoids and other beneficial ingredients which help improve platelet function and provides a host of other benefits.

72 Trace Minerals

Any kind of seafood and fish contains all 72 trace minerals. Some of the trace minerals exist in our soil thus in our vegetables. It is rare for Americans to be deficient in this area.


Biotin deficiency is almost unheard of; the only people who seem to be deficient are those on long-term anticonvulsant drugs (for seizures) or antibiotics over the long term, those that eat RAW egg whites regularly, and people in the hospital who get their nutrition through an IV. Cooked egg whites don’t cause any problems, since the part of the raw egg white that binds up the biotin is inactivated when the egg is cooked.

The government doesn’t even have a Recommended Daily Allowance set up for biotin, since we need so little of it and problems are so rare. Instead, they publish an “Adequate Intake, (AI)” which means that officials are fairly sure that the posted amount is going to be enough to cover nearly everyone’s nutrition needs. The AI for biotin is only 30 micrograms a day.

People generally don’t have any issue getting enough Biotin in their diets. It can be found in cheese, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, carrots, almonds, eggs, onions, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, goat’s milk, cow’s milk, raspberries, strawberries, halibut, oats, and walnuts.

If you’re eating, you’re getting enough. Those few people who have medical conditions that put them at risk of biotin deficiency will already be getting supplementation as part of their treatments, so unless you regularly consume raw egg whites you’re clear.

You really don’t need to worry so we didn’t want to include it and increase the cost of Tikva.


D-Ribose is not in Tikva because, for it to have any meaningful benefit, you need several thousand milligrams. This would make Tikva unaffordable. We refuse to add an ingredient just to say “it’s in there” for sales and marketing purposes.


While sucralose (Splenda) is definately a very sweet no calorie sweetner, the down sides are well described on these two websites.

http://www.splendaexposed.com/ http://www.holisticmed.com/splenda/

Ginkgo Biloba

While Ginkgo Biloba certainly has memory benefits, those with cardiovascular issues should be aware of these cautions from the National Institutes of Health

Do NOT take these drugs and Ginkgo together without being monitored by your doctor:

Ibuprofen, aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diuretic drugs and blood thinners such as Hydrochlorothiazide, dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, indomethacin (Indocin), ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), and others. In addition taking ginkgo with omeprazole (Prilosec) might decrease how well omeprazole (Prilosec) works.

Diabetes: Ginkgo might interfere with the management of diabetes. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely.

Seizures: There is a concern that ginkgo might cause seizures. If you have ever had a seizure, don’t use ginkgo.


The American medical journals clearly chronicle case studies involving severe side effects from chronic ginseng users. Ginseng should not be used uninterruptedly for long periods of time. It is recommended that ginseng be taken for two months and then stopped for a full month, before it can be resumed again. This is not acceptable when it is part of a formula that needs to be taken daily.

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) states that ginseng should not be taken by people with hypertension (high blood pressure) since it is likely that ginseng can have variable effects on blood pressure. Some patients experience hypertension and some experience hypotension.

Also, in patients with congestive heart failure, ginseng is known to react with digoxin, and exacerbate its effects.

In addition, ginseng is likely to interact with Coumadin, an anticoagulation drug. This caution should be clearly noted!

Red Yeast Rice


The active ingredient that makes red yeast rice effective is lovastatin, which is a generic statin drug for cholesterol. Red yeast rice can be potentially dangerous because there is no way for you to know what level or quality of lovastatin might be in it. Lovastatin can interact with other medications you may take and harm your health. In addition, lovastatin can cause severe muscle problems and liver damage. We feel there are safer alternatives.


The evidence that this ingredient lowers blood pressure is weak at best and so we did not feel it was beneficial enough to add to the cost of Tikva. Also because it is a liquid it would make Tikva hard to drink.

Red Wine Extract

We use 95% OPC Grape Seed Extract instead. OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) Grape Seed Extract is a set of bioflavonoid complexes (polyphenols and flavonoids) that perform as free radical scavengers in the human body. OPC bioflavonoids were first noticed in the laboratory because they have the uncanny ability to strengthen blood vessel walls within hours after taking them. Our OPC Grape Seed Extract is naturally extracted, so there are NO chemical or solvent residues and is a 120 seed per milligram extract (120:1), which is the highest in the industry, containing a full 95% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs).

Lemon Balm Extract

While lemon balm is good for you, we couldn’t add it to Tikva because it tastes so awful. We simply couldn’t sufficiently camouflage it with our natural sweeteners and flavorings.

Folate (Folic Acid)

Results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest dietary folate intake may be positively associated with postmenopausal breast cancer.

Unfortunately there is so much controversy surrounding Folic acid and breast cancer, that we chose to eliminate it and substitute the more potent ingredient TMG in its place.


The only reason that garlic is not in our product is because no matter how much you deoderize it, as soon as you put it in water, it immediately smells and tastes like garlic. Obviously you wouldn’t want to go around smelling like garlic all day.

Depending on your age and health level, it will take a longer amount of time for the ingredients in Tikva to begin to work.

If you give these ingredients the right amount of time to work as thousands of others have done, your chances of it working are very high.

These are average beginning points depending on your age:

  • Up to 50 years old – 2 1/2 – 4 months
  • Up to 60 years old – 4 – 6 months
  • Up to 70 years old – 5 – 7 months
  • Up to 80 years old – 6 – 8 months
  • Over 80 years old – 7 – 9 months

However, there is one specific nutrient that is not in the formula and that is the Omega 3 fish oils which you should also be taking every day. We couldn’t include it in the formula because oil and water don’t mix, and the fish oil would oxidize and go bad since it is not sealed in an airtight gelcap.

You can find Omega 3’s at any health food store or in the vitamin aisle.

One of the advantages of Tikva’s formulation is just how complete it is. Since so many nutritional supplements are already in Tikva, many of our customers actually save money because they can stop taking most of their other individual supplements.

However, Tikva is not a complete replacement for every nutritional need of your body. We especially encourage you to supplement with the Omega 3 fish oils. We would have put them into the Tikva but fish oils don’t mix into water and they would oxidize and go bad since they are not in an airtight gel cap.

Tikva comes in a 3 great tasting flavors.

Sweet Raspberry, Mango Fusion and Chocolate

Sweet Raspberry and Mango Fusion are customers favorites

It mixes fine into room temperature or warm water.

If you mix it into a colder beverage, you will need to use a blender or magic bullet, etc…

While you are doing that you can always add, banana, strawberries, blueberries or anything else you like to change up the flavor.

You can download our great smoothie recipes at www.TikvaDrink.com/Smoothie


It mixes fine into room temperature or warm water, but most people prefer it in a colder liquid, such as: water, milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc. (My favorite is chocolate almond milk – to me this makes it taste really good)

If you mix it into a colder beverage, you will need to use a blender or magic bullet, etc…

While you are doing that you can always add, banana, strawberries, blueberries or anything else you like to change up the flavor.

Do NOT mix into hot drinks.

Tikva is a powerful formula. Just because it is natural, don’t think that the ingredients aren’t strong enough to affect your bodily functions. They need to be to optimize your health.

Therefore, consult with your doctor if you are taking:

vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, Viagra™, or Levitra , etc.), taking strong anticoagulants (such as warfarin, Coumadin , or heparin, etc.), are diabetic, suffer from kidney problems, liver disorder, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or genital herpes.

Do not take this product if:

You are pregnant, lactating, have brain or ocular herpes, Wilson’s disease, are a hemophiliac, or are under 23 years of age.

Do not take Tikva with L-lysine. The L-arginine and the L-lysine compete with each other.

Special Note: Discontinue use of Tikva 2 weeks prior to surgery as this product contains natural blood thinning ingredients.

Tikva is a powerful formula. Just because it is natural, don’t think that the ingredients aren’t strong enough to affect your bodily functions. They need to be to optimize your health.

Therefore, consult with your doctor if you are taking:

vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, Viagra™, or Levitra , etc.), taking strong anticoagulants (such as warfarin, Coumadin , or heparin, etc.), are diabetic, suffer from kidney problems, liver disorder, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, genital herpes or if you have had shingles.

Do not take this product if:

You are pregnant, lactating, have brain or ocular herpes, Wilson’s disease, are a hemophiliac, or are under 23 years of age.

Do not take Tikva with L-lysine. The L-arginine and the L-lysine compete with each other. If you have had shingles or herpes, you can take 500 mg of l-lysine 2 hours after Tikva and this will help to prevent an outbreak.

Special Note: Discontinue use of Tikva 2 weeks prior to surgery as this product contains natural blood thinning ingredients.

Absolutely NOT! Advise your doctor that you are taking Tikva.

When you see that your numbers are down and have stayed that way for a while, you can then go back to your doctor and discuss the best way to reduce or eliminate your medications with their approval.

There is a lot of concern with calcium build up in the arteries, since more and more doctors are doing calcium checks now. Please read this article to get a better understanding. http://www.berkeleywellness.com/…/…/calcium-supplement-risks




Over time, as you are monitored by your doctor he/she may be able to reduce your drug intake, or maybe even wean you off of them altogether. The time frame for this to happen is different for everyone because no two people are alike.


Most people do not experience any side effects. However, men with erectile dysfunction (due to poor circulation) frequently see this issue resolve itself in a matter of a few months and never seem to complain about this “side effect”.


Depending upon your diet previous to starting on Tikva, you may experience temporary detoxification which is good for you. If you are not familiar with what detoxification is, here is a brief description. The cells in your body absorb whatever levels of nutrition you are feeding them. Fortunately, your cells are “smart” and if a higher level of nutrition suddenly comes into your blood stream from your food or drink, your cells will immediately absorb the higher level nutrients and “spit out” the inferior nutrients and toxins. Since Tikva is loaded with only high level nutrients that are in liquid form, the absorption into your cells is fast and dramatic. Therefore, if your body “spits out” too many of the inferior nutrients into your blood stream too quickly, you may experience a temporary “detox” which could come out of you as diarrhea, or gas.

Again, detox with these side effects does NOT happen to most people, it is temporary, and is actually a great sign that you are increasing the health of your cells all the way to their core. If this happens to you simply back down to a half a scoop daily for a few days to let your system adjust more slowly. Drinking extra water is always a good idea too.

Two years if not opened.

Do NOT REFRIGERATE but store in a cool dry place.

Seal the container tightly each time as Tikva absorbs moisture out of the air very quickly. If this happens and it starts to cake up, simply break it back up and use it with full confidence that it will be just as effective and is not ruined in any way.

Each container of Tikva lasts for 30 days.

We should caution you not to assume that our competitors bottles represent a full months supply as many of them say 1 month supply, but then they recommend that you take twice the amount for the product to have its full effect.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Up to 365 Days on your 1st order

The more you purchase the longer the guarantee!

1 Bottle = 30 Days
3 Bottles = 90 Days
6 Bottles = 365 Days

Why? Because we know that when people make a 6 month commitment to Tikva the success rate goes way up. We are so confident that if you use Tikva for 6 months that you will love it, that we have doubled the length of the guarantee on the 6 month supply, giving you a full year to get a full 100% of your money back.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or dis-approve of any kind of dietary supplemets, such as Tikva, since it is not within their jurisdiction. The FDA only approves or dis-approves of pharmaceutical drugs, which Tikva is not.

Tikva is made in a FDA approved facility, but this product being natural, is not under their jurisdiction. Tikva is manufactured up to cGMP certification (current good manufacturing processes) which is the highest standard for nutritional products. Tikva is Eurofins Certified which is one of the few certifications accepted by Amazon and it is 3rd party tested by an ISO Accredited Lab.

The results that our customers have gotten has been nothing short of amazing. Referrals and re-orders are the backbone of our business which is how it should be.

When you have several ingredients working together to affect the same problem (synergy) you do not always need as much of each ingredient to get the job done. This is where our professional formulators come in.

The best way to get any nutrient is naturally from your food. Since this is not always possible, this is where supplementation comes in. But remember the majority of your nutrition still comes from what you eat.

The one thing that really burns us up is dishonesty. Failure to disclose information is a sin by omission. Simply saying to “consult with your doctor” before taking a product that has the potential to negatively affect people with specific medical conditions, is playing with people’s health. In our opinion that is a sorry misuse of the public’s trust and is an unacceptable tactic designed to make more sales.


Let’s look at just one ingredient that many of our competitors use but do not post appropriate warnings about; Hawthorn.

Here are the cautions and drug interactions for hawthorn as listed on Whole Health MD:

General Interaction

If you take prescription heart medications, consult your doctor before taking this herb. Dosages of prescription medications may need to be lowered or altered in some other way when taken along with hawthorn. Never stop taking a prescription heart medication (or alter the dosage) without consulting your doctor.

The effect of the following classes of drugs may be dangerously increased by hawthorn: antihypertensives; calcium channel blockers (including amlodipine, diltiazem, verapamil); beta blockers (including atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol); ACE inhibitors (including benazepril, enalapril, fosinopril); digitalis drugs and cardiac glycosides (including digitoxin, digoxin); and nitrates (including amyl nitrate, nitroglycerin, sildenafil citrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and dinitrate).


Because of hawthorn’s strength and its effects on such a vital organ as the heart, consult your doctor before taking this herb. It’s best not to take it if you already have low blood pressure. And don’t expect hawthorn to help stop an acute attack of angina; it isn’t capable of doing this.

Hawthorn is generally recognized as safe, although such side effects as nausea, sweating, fatigue, and rashes do develop on occasion. The herb can also drastically lower blood pressure and cause such symptoms as dizziness and fainting, even in people who have normal blood pressure and do not suffer from heart disease. Stop taking hawthorn and consult your doctor if any of these reactions occur.

While being able to lower your doses of medications is a good thing, it is irresponsible not to let you know that your blood pressure could drop too low if you don’t monitor and possibly adjust your medication dosages with your doctors help.

The warnings on the Tikva bag are simply factual. We have searched out any possible drug interactions and disease precautions and disclosed them prominently.

Privacy Policy: Heart 2 Heart of America does not sell or knowingly transmit information to other sources. Any email inquires or information collected from this website will be used solely for communication purposes and will not be sold to any third parties.

For your security and peace of mind, our shopping cart is Hacker Safe and features secure HTTPS/SSL encryption. It was among the first to be fully certified by Visa.

Heart 2 Heart of America, the exclusive maker of Tikva began distribution in September 2003 and we now have thousands of satisfied users worldwide.

We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

This is a copy of the most recent report from the BBB.

Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the BBB. To have a Satisfactory Record with the BBB, a company must be in business for at least 12 months, properly and promptly address matters referred to it by the BBB, and be free from an unusual volume or pattern of complaints and law enforcement action involving its marketplace conduct. In addition, the BBB must have a clear understanding of the company’s business and no concerns about its industry.

Heart 2 Heart of America is the sole distributor of Tikva. Our entire operation is streamlined so we can keep the cost to you as low as possible. If we put the product in health food stores, doctors offices or had distributors, they would have to mark up the price in order for them to make a profit.

Interestingly enough, you would think that the health food stores would love to carry this product. However, they made it very clear that if they sold Tikva at the same prices as we do online, they would lose money. How is this possible? Because they already sell all of the ingredients in Tikva in individual bottles and make much more money that way.

Yes. We use low glycemic ingredients and no added sugars.

We do have a caution if you are on insulin, as you may need to change your insulin levels and this should be done with a doctors supervision.

No, the ingredients in Tikva have not been approved for those that are pregnant or lactating.

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You can now go to My Rewards any time and use your username and password to log in. You can click on Earn Rewards (for more ways to earn) or Redeem Rewards for future orders.

Earn Points
  1. Make sure to use the same email that you used when signing up for the rewards program when making a purchase.
  2. Receive 1 point for every $1 you spend automatically (100 points = $10)
Redeem Points
  1. Got To www.TikvaDrink.com
  2. Click on My Rewards
  3. Click on Redeem

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  6. The box on the left tells you how many points you have and the box on the right tells you how much it is worth. You can redem all of your points or type in the amount of points you want to use up to the total shown. Then Click Redeem (This will create a coupon that will show up in the coupons section shwon above in step 5 – click Coupons to see your coupon code).

We value your feedback, and we want to reward you for it.

How To Leave Your Review

30 days after your order, you will receive an email asking you to leave a review for the product you purchased. You can leave a review on that link


You can go to https://tikvadrink.com/store/ and choose the product that you want to leave a review for. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the reviews section and click on Write A Review. Make sure to use the same email that you signed up for rewards with to get your points

Leave a Review for Every product you have tried and receive 250 Points ($25 Value) for each review.

Share your thoughts by leaving a product review, and we’ll thank you with a generous 250 points, equivalent to a $25 value. Your insights help us improve, and your wallet benefits too!

Add a Photo For Free Additional Product of Your Choice

If you send us a picture of you holding your Tikva product or your favorite flavor drink that we can add to your review (that we can use in our advertising) , we will reward you with a Free additional product of your choice (Excludes Tikva Heart). Just text your picture to 813-661-8583 with your full name and let us know which Free product you would like.

Add a Video For Free Product (Including Tikva Heart)

If you are willing to share a short video that we can use in our advertising, we would reward you with a Free matching product of your choice (Includes Tikva Heart).

Just shoot a short video on your phone while holding a bottle of TIKVA or mixing up your favorite drink, and let us know why you started taking Tikva and how it has helped you.

Then text your video to 813-661-8583.

Share All 3 and Get All 3 Rewards

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This is a great way to share with your friends who might be on the fence about trying Tikva products.

They will receive a $50 coupon off their first order, and you will receive 500 points ($50 off a future order) as a thank-you. It’s a win-win for both of you! (Get 500 points for every referral)
  1. To refer a friend, please go to www.tikvadrink.com

  2. Click on “My Rewards” (sign in if necessary)

  3. Copy the referrer link by clicking on the red box with squares (it looks like the picture below)

  4. Share your link by pasting it into an email or by sharing on social media. (It helps if you tell people how Tikva has helped you and that they can save $50 off their first order by using your link)

Get 50 Points ($5 Value) for Sharing on Facebook.

  1. To share, Please visit our website www.tikvadrink.com

  2. click on My Rewards (sign in if necessary)

  3. on the bottom of the window click the Facebook icon circled below.

  4. When the new window pops up, where it says “say something about this”, type what you love about TIKVA and on the bottom of the screen click the button that says “Post to Facebook”.

It’s that simple. Your social network is about to become your reward network!

Birthdays should be filled with surprises, and we have one for you!

Earn 100 Points (worth $10) on Your Birthday.

When your special day arrives, we’ll give you 100 points as our way of saying, “Happy Birthday!” It’s our small gesture to make your celebration even sweeter.

To sign up for this reward

  1. Click on My rewards (sign in if necessary)

  2. Click on Earn

  3. Scroll down and click on the birthday reward

  4. Click on Set

  5. Fill In Your Birthdate (Day, Month, Year) Note: It is typically Month, Day, Year so if it wont update please make sure you have it in the right order, then click update. Your points will be automatically added to your account.

100% Money Back Guarantee Up to 365 Days
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