Thanks for the great product!!
Yesterday I went to a Natural Path Dr. and I had to take all of my vitamins and tikva with me. She wanted to see what I was taking. I had a grocery bag full, I sat and watched her read the labels on each bag when she finished she said the only good thing that I was taking was Tikva.
She took down all of your info for the web site and phone. I thought WOW I found you on the net, and after all of these years your product was the best. Also my BP is now 91/78

Teri C.
- Verified Customer

It truly works...
This company not only has excellent products, the customer service is also of the highest level of excellence.

Lindee Lee B.
- Verified Customer

I started Tikva when my blood pressure started creeping up.
Shortly after starting on the Tikva product, my blood pressure returned to normal and I have continued to take it as a preventative, so that I don’t need to get on blood pressure medication.
It has been a huge blessing. I don’t have any of the side effects that come with the blood pressure medications. In addition I know that I am getting all of the nutrients that I need in one drink and I feel great.

Gary E.
- Verified Customer

I really like your articles and your research.
My blood pressure was 124/62 last check. It dropped 40 points on the top number and 20 points on the bottom.
Tikva works.
You guys be encouraged in what you are doing. Yahweh bless you, your family and business.*

Dr. Dale S.
- Verified Customer

My cholesterol went from 206 to 153, a 26% drop
My triglycerides were found to be over 1600 due to genetics. Several years of statin drugs could only get them down to around 400 and my doctor said that was as good as it was ever going to be. I don’t know how long it took since I only get my blood tested once a year, kind of a birthday check up, but last April my triglycerides were at 415 and this April, after being on Tikva for most of it, they are at 194! That’s a 53% drop. My LDL went from unmeasurable because the triglycerides were so high to 83 (in the normal range).
And my cholesterol went from 206 to 153, a 26% drop (also in the normal range). My HDL raised only 3 points but I must confess there was no exercise involved other than yard work. I hope to change that this year and improve even more.

Victor V.
- Verified Customer

You guys are great!
You answer questions fully and politely, respond quickly… If everyone did business like you,there would be no recession!*

Rabbi Adler
- Verified Customer

Thanks for the great product!!
As an 83 year-old with rectal cancer, since 2013, thank GOD for TIKVA.
TIKVA has lowered my Blood Pressure from a high in 2010 of some 170/95 to today’s level of 110/62.
Before starting on Tikva, I had a stroke in 2005 and two minis strokes. I have been treating my cancer with baking soda and hemp oil suppositories. Avoiding any man-made chemicals and drugs.
NATURAL is GOD’S medicine. Believe it. Learned lots from Ty Bollinger’s “The quest for the cancer cure continues”. He lost his parents and several relatives to today’s conventional failing chemicals and drugs. My son, 57, and neighbor Steve, late 60’s, love TIKVA also. It works. Believe it, John S

John S.
- Verified Customer

Tikva has cleaned me up!
I just got the results from a whole body scan, and I am ecstatic about my circulatory system’s results! I went from “Severe” with about 52% blockage to “Mild” in about five years!

Gary S.
- Verified Customer

My blood pressure dropped from 140/90 to 130/85.
I have been using Tikva for 4 years and I feel great. The doctor said what did you do?? Why is your blood pressure so low. I Explained the Tikva recipe and he now allows me to use my FSA Money to purchase Tikva. It is loaded with vitamins and natural supplements. Tikva also lowers my cholesterol. I always take the natural route to health.

Steven G.
- Verified Customer

Never Slow Down
I’ve just got to tell you what I’ve learned by doing business with you over the years. Now I’m a tough judge, demanding, and always looking for outstanding products and/or services from any company.
Therefore, I’m more often disappointed than pleased. As you can probably recall I have questioned on occasion a product, a price, or perhaps a change in strategic business practice. But I do that only because I am in pursuit of excellence and even perfection.
Well, I know that “perfect” is actually a fictitious expression. It’s simply not attainable. However, years ago I was fortunate enough to discover Heart 2 Heart of America.
What’s especially refreshing is to realize I have benefited not only from your products (Tikva being foremost) but also from your extraordinary business practices. Now don’t let this go to your head but I’m inclined to believe that the natural sincerity of your character is the foundation that’s responsible for establishing and maintaining a business model that exemplifies the very highest level of business ethics.*

Bud W.
- Verified Customer

it tastes great too.
After taking Tikva for only a few months, my cholesterol went down from 230 to 200.
I have felt great physically and also emotionally knowing that I was getting my nutritional requirements and more.

Steve W.
- Verified Customer

My wife is now taking Tikva as well as my parents.
I’m writing because I am very skeptical of supplements that make great claims, but fall short of providing actual results.
I’m in my late 30’s, I try to eat right and workout a few days a week. Unfortunately my doctor noticed my blood pressure a little higher than he likes to see. Both my parents are a slave to blood pressure medicine, and I do not want that for me. I heard about Tikva about a year ago from a friend. He said that I would not be disappointed with it, so I gave it a try. Since this is a natural product I wasn’t expecting instant results. The first few weeks I didn’t notice any significant changes. However after a few months, I started seeing my numbers drop. Before I started Tikva, my blood pressure was averaging about 146/93 and now it averages 120/80.
Also when I first started Tikva, I didn’t consider all the good stuff that’s in the mix. Most of the vitamins and supplements I used to take I stopped buying because it’s already in the Tikva mix. And surprisingly the quality of Tikva’s ingredients are much better than what I was getting before. So with Tikva, I’m spending about the same as I was on vitamins and supplements, but now I have the added benefit of good blood pressure and I’m actually getting better quality supplements. I’m really glad I stumbled on this product, and am convinced that there integrity is solid.

Aaron C.
- Verified Customer

It truly works and is so easy to take.
Thank you and God Bless you for your time and energy in helping others. The Tikva, product has been invaluable in helping strengthen my heart along with lowering my blood pressure and cholesterol.

David V.
- Verified Customer

I want to thank Heart to Heart for introducing their products to me
Particularly the Tikva and Phytosterols more than eight months ago.
I am a heart patient with seven stents and have always needed statin drugs to keep my cholesterol under control. I haven’t had a doctor for over a year until recently and was not taking my statins during that time. I started taking the products eight months ago and just recently saw a doctor and my blood was drawn and tested. To the doctors and my amazement my cholesterol levels were where they were when I was taking statins. Now I don’t worry about having to take these drugs and the associated side effects that they can cause. Thank you Heart to Heart for giving me piece of mind and keeping me healthy.*
Thank you,

David B.
- Verified Customer

My cholesterol was down to 379 and my tryglycerides were a lot better.
I had cholesterol that was 769 and tryglycerides that were at 979. My toes were numb. I did not know why.
After just 4 days! My feet were 65% better. And if I slept for 4 hours that 4 hours felt like 7. This I noticed instantly. I had energy and felt truly better unlike when you take a vitamin and you say to yourself you know its good for you. But you really don’t feel any difference. Well not with Tikva no way! Now its been 9 months I can’t wait to see what it says when I have my blood checked.

Mike W.
- Verified Customer